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Past Visitors 2018

School of AstronomyOmid Sameie , University of California Riverside, Riverside, California,
Dec. 23, 2018
School of Particles and AcceleratorsKazem Azizi , Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey,
Dec. 13-24, 2018
School of AstronomyAreg Mickaelian , NAS RA V. Ambartsumian Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO), Armenia, Byurakan, Armenia,
Nov. 28, 2018
School of PhysicsNasim Bozorgania , IPPP, Durham University, Durham, UK,
Nov. 1-11, 2018
School of PhysicsHamid Reza Afshar , IPM, School of Physics, Tehran, Iran,
Sep. 23 - Dec. 28, 2018
School of PhysicsTayeb Jamali , IPM, School of Physics, Tehran, Iran,
Sep. 23 - Dec. 21, 2018
School of PhysicsYashar Akrami , Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leiden University, , Netherlands,
Sep. 12 - Oct. 12, 2018
School of AstronomyMarius Oltean , Campus Universitat AutoÌ?noma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain,
Aug. 20, 2018
School of AstronomyMarius Oltean , Institute of Space Sciences (ICE, CSIC), Campus Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain,
Aug. 20, 2018
School of Particles and AcceleratorsMahmoud Safari , University of Bologna , , Italy,
July 23 - Oct. 22, 2018
School of Particles and AcceleratorsReza Goldouzian , Interuniversity Institute for High Energies (IIHE), , Belgium,
July 21-25, 2018
School of AstronomyRazieh Emami , IAS at Hong Kong U. Sci. Tech, Hong Kong , China,
July 21, 2018
School of PhysicsJalaledin Yousefi , IPM, School of Physics, Tehran, Iran,
June 22 - Dec. 21, 2018
School of AstronomyHadi Rahmani , Paris Observatory, Paris, France,
May 13, 2018
School of AstronomyHadi Rahmani , Paris Observatory, Paris, France,
May 13, 2018
School of AstronomyFazlollah Hajkarim , University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany,
April 18, 2018
School of AstronomyFazlollah Hajkarim , University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany,
April 18, 2018
School of PhysicsNasim Bozorgnia , IPPP, Durham University, Durham, UK,
March 21 - April 20, 2018
School of PhysicsDaniel Grumiller , Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria,
Feb. 19-27, 2018
School of Particles and AcceleratorsGero Freiherr von Gersdorff , Pontificia Universidade Catolica Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Feb. 17-24, 2018
School of Particles and AcceleratorsArman Esmaili , Pontifcia Universidade Catlica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Feb. 11-25, 2018
School of PhysicsGhadir Jafari (One year civil service) , IPM, School of Physics, Tehran, Iran,
Feb. 1 - July 22, 2018
School of PhysicsMohsen Hadadi Moghadam (One year civil service) , IPM, School of Physics, Tehran, Iran,
Feb. 1 - Aug. 23, 2018
School of PhysicsBehroz Eftekharinia (One year civil service) , IPM, School of Physics, Tehran, Iran,
Feb. 1 - Sep. 23, 2018
School of PhysicsVahid Hosseinzadeh Javari (One year civil service) , IPM, School of Physics, Tehran, Iran,
Feb. 1 - Aug. 23, 2018
School of PhysicsAli Motazedifard (One year civil service) , IPM, School of Physics, Tehran, Iran,
Feb. 1 - Sep. 23, 2018
School of Nano ScienceAllahverdyan Armen , Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia,
Jan. 9-16, 2018
School of Nano ScienceTapio Ala-Nissilä , Aalto University, Finland, Aalto, Finland,
Jan. 8-14, 2018
School of Particles and AcceleratorsJean-Yves Ollitrault , Institut de Physique Théorique, Saclay, , France,
Jan. 5-13, 2018
School of PhysicsMohammad Ali Rajabpour , Federal Fluminense University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Jan. 2-4, 2018
School of PhysicsSeyed Amir Bahrani , University of pParis Diderot, Paris, France,
Dec. 27, 2017 - Jan. 10, 2018
School of PhysicsHossein Nili , IPM, School of Physics, Tehran, Iran,
Sep. 23, 2017 - March 20, 2018
School of PhysicsMohammad Hassan Vahidinia , IPM, School of Physics, Tehran, Iran,
Sep. 23, 2017 - June 22, 2018
School of PhysicsMahdi Zaeifi Yamchi , IPM, School of Physics, Tehran, Iran,
Sep. 23, 2017 - March 20, 2018
School of PhysicsKazem Azizi , Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey,
Aug. 23, 2017 - Sep. 22, 2018
School of PhysicsMohammad Ali-Akbari , Shahid Beheshti Univerity, Tehran, Iran,
Aug. 22, 2016 - Dec. 31, 2018
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