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Past Visitors 2004

School of MathematicsIlia Ponomarenko , Steklov Institute of Mathematics, St. Petersburg , Russia ,
Dec. 29, 2004
School of MathematicsP. A. Markowich , University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria,
Dec. 13-18, 2004
School of MathematicsJ. P. Puel , University of Versailles St. Quentin, Versailles, France,
Dec. 12-22, 2004
School of MathematicsA. El Soufi , University of Tours, Tours, France,
Dec. 11-16, 2004
School of MathematicsPh. Kuegler , University of Linz, Linz, Austria,
Dec. 9-17, 2004
School of MathematicsH. W. Engl , Kepler University of Linz, Linz, Austria,
Dec. 9-14, 2004
School of MathematicsM. Esteban , University of Paris-Dauphine and CNRS, Paris, France,
Dec. 7-22, 2004
School of MathematicsR. Popovych , National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine,
Dec. 6-20, 2004
School of MathematicsM. Asadzadeh , Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden,
Dec. 5-16, 2004
School of MathematicsO. Kavian , University of Versailles St. Quentin, Versailles, France,
Dec. 5-24, 2004
School of MathematicsU. Saleem , University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan,
Dec. 5-17, 2004
School of MathematicsH. Shahgholian , Royal Inst. of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden,
Dec. 5-14, 2004
School of MathematicsM. Jazar , Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon,
Dec. 5-17, 2004
School of MathematicsF. Murat , Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), Paris, France,
Dec. 5-24, 2004
School of MathematicsA. Shermenev , Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia,
Dec. 3-24, 2004
School of MathematicsD. Rafiei , Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada,
Sep. 11 - Oct. 21, 2004
School of PhysicsSallustis Ettore Salusti , INFN-Sincrotrone // Sez.Rome, Rome, Italy,
Aug. 19-25, 2004
School of PhysicsHassan Ali Shah , Government College University, Physics Department, Lahore, Pakistan,
Aug. 18 - Sep. 5, 2004
School of PhysicsGalileo Violini , Dipto Fisica Universita Della Calabria, Rende(Consenza), Italy,
Aug. 16-26, 2004
School of MathematicsK. Salamatian , University of Paris VI, Paris, France,
Aug. 14-18, 2004
School of MathematicsJ. M. Geusebroek , University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
April 26-30, 2004
School of MathematicsJ. O. Eklundh , Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden,
April 26-30, 2004
School of MathematicsP. Frosini , Universita di Bologna, Bologna, Italy,
April 26-30, 2004
School of MathematicsA. Mohammad-Djafari , Supelec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France,
April 26-30, 2004
School of MathematicsJ. P. Thiran , EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland,
April 26-30, 2004
School of PhysicsRoman Popovych , Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine,
April 26 - May 24, 2004
School of MathematicsA. Hero , University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA,
April 26-30, 2004
School of PhysicsNodar Tsintsadze , Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia,
April 24 - June 25, 2004
School of MathematicsP. Cameron , Queen Mary, University of London, London, U.K.,
April 12 - May 9, 2004
School of MathematicsM. Khalkhali , University of Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada,
April 3 - May 3, 2004
School of MathematicsS. Kabbaj , King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia ,
March 3-12, 2004
School of MathematicsKh. Dehnad , Columbia University, New York, USA,
Feb. 23-29, 2004
School of PhysicsTheodorus Devisser , CERN, Geneva, Switzerland,
Feb. 7 - March 8, 2004
School of PhysicsJean Paul Grillet , CERN, Geneva, Switzerland,
Feb. 7 - March 8, 2004
School of MathematicsH. Kharaghani , University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Canada,
Jan. 28 - Aug. 13, 2004
School of PhysicsKarl Akrolof , , , ,
Jan. 23-28, 2004
School of PhysicsKarl Landsteiner , LFT / Universidad Autonoma, Madrid, Spain ,
Jan. 18 - Feb. 1, 2004
School of MathematicsF. Rezakhanlou , University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, USA,
Dec. 14, 2003 - Jan. 13, 2004
School of PhysicsShahin Mamedov , Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic,
Sep. 1, 2003 - May 30, 2004
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