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Past Visitors 2002

School of PhysicsTheodorus Devisser , CERN, Geneva, Switzerland,
Dec. 16-19, 2002
School of PhysicsJean Paul Grillet , CERN, Geneva, Switzerland,
Dec. 16-19, 2002
School of MathematicsM. A. Shokrollahi , Digital Fountain, Fremont, USA,
Nov. 16 - Dec. 16, 2002
School of PhysicsCumrun Vafa , Harvard University, Department of Physics , Cambridge, USA,
Nov. 10-17, 2002
School of MathematicsB. Mohammadi , Institut Universitaire de France and University of Montpellier, France , Montpellier, France,
Nov. 8-15, 2002
School of PhysicsMohammad Hossein Partovi , California State University, Sacramento, CA, USA,
Nov. 2 - Dec. 2, 2002
School of PhysicsM. Sahimi , University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA,
Oct. 29, 2002
School of MathematicsA. Plantinga , University of Notre Dame , Indiana, USA,
Oct. 20, 2002
School of PhysicsJean Paul Grillet , CERN, Geneva, Switzerland,
Oct. 17-27, 2002
School of PhysicsTheodorus Devisser , CERN, Geneva, Switzerland,
Oct. 17-27, 2002
School of MathematicsP. A. Markowich , University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria,
Oct. 9, 2002
School of PhysicsMohammad Mohammadi Baarmand , , , Iran,
July 31-13, 2002
School of PhysicsTheodorus Devisser , CERN, Geneva, Switzerland,
June 30 - July 6, 2002
School of PhysicsJean Paul Grillet , CERN, Geneva, Switzerland,
June 30 - July 6, 2002
School of MathematicsA. Miamee , Hampton University, Hampton, USA,
June 10 - Sep. 3, 2002
School of MathematicsW. Bruns , Universität Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany,
May 26-30, 2002
School of MathematicsL. W. Christensen , , Copenhagen, Denmark,
May 25 - June 2, 2002
School of MathematicsH. Holm , Matematisk Institut, Universitetsparken 5, Copenhagen, Denmark,
May 23-31, 2002
School of MathematicsA. Frankild , Matematisk Institut, Universitetsparken 5, Copenhagen, Denmark,
May 23-31, 2002
School of MathematicsL. Melkersson , Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden,
May 23-31, 2002
School of MathematicsE. E. Enochs , University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA,
May 23-31, 2002
School of MathematicsH. B. Foxby , University of Copenhagen - Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark,
May 23-31, 2002
School of MathematicsJ. Herzog , Universität GH-Essen, Essen, Germany,
May 23-31, 2002
School of MathematicsO. M. G. Jenda , Auburn University, Auburn, USA,
May 23-31, 2002
School of MathematicsL. L. Avramov , University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, USA,
May 23 - June 5, 2002
School of Cognitive SciencesSouren A. Tchilingarian , Yerevan Physics Institute, , Armenia,
May 16-27, 2002
School of Cognitive SciencesHartmut Gemmeke , Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (FZK), Karlsruhe, Germany,
May 16-29, 2002
School of Cognitive SciencesW. Eppler , Research Center Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany,
May 16-29, 2002
School of Cognitive SciencesAshot A. Chilingarian , Yerevan Physics Institute, , Armenia,
May 16-27, 2002
School of Cognitive SciencesJohn Altee Hertz , Nordita (Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics), , Denmark,
May 12-19, 2002
School of Cognitive SciencesJohn Matthew Rinzel , New York University, , USA,
May 11-18, 2002
School of Cognitive SciencesF. Sharifi , Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, Canada,
May 5 - Sep. 6, 2002
School of Cognitive SciencesPatrick Cavanagh , Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA,
May 2-8, 2002
School of PhysicsFreydoon Mansouri , University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, USA,
April 19 - May 14, 2002
School of PhysicsFarzad Kazeminejad , J.P.L., Nasa , , USA,
March 21 - Sep. 22, 2002
School of Cognitive SciencesT. Williamson , University of Oxford, , UK,
March 11-16, 2002
School of PhysicsNodar Tsintsadze , Institute of Physics, Tbilisi, Georgia,
March 6 - July 7, 2002
School of MathematicsI. Swanson , New Mexico State University , Las Cruces, USA,
Jan. 6-28, 2002
School of MathematicsS. Hedayat , University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, USA,
Dec. 16, 2001 - Jan. 5, 2002
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