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Past Visitors 1995

School of MathematicsA. Sedrakian , Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
Oct. 15-21, 1995
School of MathematicsG. Jorjadze , Mathematical Institute of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi, Georgia,
Oct. 15-21, 1995
School of PhysicsDavid Tskhakaya , Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Tbilisi, Gerogia,
Sep. 19 - Nov. 19, 1995
School of MathematicsF. Shahidi , Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA,
July 1 - Aug. 1, 1995
School of MathematicsFrancois Murat , Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), Paris, France,
June 21, 1995
School of MathematicsA. Tahvildar Zadeh , Princeton University, New Jersey, USA,
June 21 - Sep. 22, 1995
School of PhysicsBahram Mobasher , Imperial College of London, London, England,
June 16 - July 17, 1995
School of PhysicsNodar Tsintsadze , Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia,
April 14 - July 16, 1995
School of PhysicsFranco Seleri , Università degli Studi di Bari, , Italy,
April 13-23, 1995
School of PhysicsOganis Khodaverdian , Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
Feb. 26 - March 27, 1995
School of PhysicsRuben Mkrttchyan , Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
Jan. 29 - Feb. 6, 1995
School of PhysicsAntoan Alexeev , L.D. Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics, Moscow, Russia,
Jan. 1, 1995
School of MathematicsS. Shahriari , Pomona College, Claremont, CA, USA,
Dec. 17, 1994 - Jan. 14, 1995
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