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Past Visitors 1994

School of PhysicsOganis Khodaverdian , Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
Dec. 7-11, 1994
School of PhysicsNodar Tsintsadze , Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Tbilisi , Georgia,
Dec. 5-22, 1994
School of MathematicsC.E. Praeger , The University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Australia,
Nov. 7-18, 1994
School of PhysicsAfsar Abbas , Institute of Physics-Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India,
Oct. 7 - Jan. 5, 1994
School of MathematicsE. Izadi , Harward University, Cambridge, USA,
Aug. 17 - Sep. 6, 1994
School of MathematicsH. Marandjian , Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
Aug. 1 - Sep. 1, 1994
School of PhysicsL. Aslanian , Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
Aug. 1 - Sep. 1, 1994
School of PhysicsFreydoon Mansouri , University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, USA,
July 15 - Aug. 15, 1994
School of MathematicsH. Shahgholian , Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden,
July 2 - Aug. 22, 1994
School of MathematicsA.S. Morozov , Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia,
July 1 - Oct. 1, 1994
School of MathematicsA. Enayat , American University, Washington, USA,
June 1 - July 1, 1994
School of MathematicsF.R. Drake , Leeds University, Leeds, UK,
May 1 - June 1, 1994
School of MathematicsD. Anasov , Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia,
April 21 - May 5, 1994
School of PhysicsDavid Saakian , Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia,
April 17 - June 18, 1994
School of PhysicsWerner Nahm , University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany,
April 1 - May 1, 1994
School of MathematicsH. Kharaghani , University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Canada,
April 1 - Aug. 1, 1994
School of MathematicsA. Enayat , American University, Washington, USA,
Jan. 1 - May 1, 1994
School of MathematicsA. Enayat , American University, Washington, USA,
Jan. 1 - May 1, 1994
School of PhysicsSpenta R. Wadia , Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India,
Jan. 1, 1994
School of MathematicsS.S. Goncharov , Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia,
Jan. 1 - Feb. 1, 1994
School of MathematicsV.G. Kanovei , Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia,
Oct. 15, 1993 - Jan. 6, 1994
School of MathematicsB. Kalantari , Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA,
Oct. 1, 1993 - July 1, 1994
School of MathematicsM.R. Emamy-K , University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras, Rio Piedras, USA,
Aug. 1, 1993 - Feb. 1, 1994
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