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Past Visitors 2015

School of PhysicsGerlad Pollack , University of Washington, Washington, ,
Dec. 3-6, 2015
School of ILSFErhard Huttel , SESAME, , ,
Dec. 1-5, 2015
School of PhysicsTobias Pascal Stauber , ICMM (CSIC), Berlin (West), Germany,
Dec. 1-16, 2015
School of PhysicsAli Asadian , Technische Universität Wien, Wien, Austria,
Nov. 23 - Dec. 31, 2015
School of PhysicsAlireza Qaiumzadeh , Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands,
Nov. 1-15, 2015
School of AstronomyJacobus Theodorus , Keele University , , UK,
Sep. 12-18, 2015
School of PhysicsGhadir Jafari , Ferdowsi Mashhad University, Mashhad, Iran,
Aug. 26-30, 2015
School of AstronomyHadi Rahmani , Aix Marseille Universite, , France,
Aug. 25-27, 2015
School of AstronomyMartin Dominik , University of St Andrews, St Andrews, United Kingdom ,
Aug. 25 - Sep. 5, 2015
School of PhysicsAhmad Ghodsi , Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran,
Aug. 25 - Sep. 15, 2015
School of AstronomyHadi Rahmani , , , ,
Aug. 24-26, 2015
School of PhysicsHesam Soltanpanahi Sarabi , Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University , Krakow, Poland,
Aug. 24-30, 2015
School of AstronomyAzadeh Keivani , Pennsylvania State University, , USA,
Aug. 18-20, 2015
School of AstronomyYashar Akrami , Institute for Theoretical Physics,University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany,
Aug. 16-17, 2015
School of PhysicsHamid Reza Afshar , University of Groningen , Groningen, Netherlands,
July 21-23, 2015
School of Particles and AcceleratorsArman Esmaili , PUC, , Brazil,
July 14 - Aug. 5, 2015
School of AstronomyGhassem Gozaliasl , University of Helsinki, , Finland,
July 14-16, 2015
School of Particles and AcceleratorsOrlando Luis Goulart Peres , State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), , Brazil,
July 14 - Aug. 5, 2015
School of AstronomyGhasem Gozaliasl , University of Helsinki, Turku, Finland,
July 11-16, 2015
School of AstronomyAmir Aghamousa , Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, , South Korea,
June 29, 2015
School of AstronomySohrab Rahvar , Sharif University, Tehran, Iran,
June 10, 2015
School of Particles and AcceleratorsWilke van der schee , MIT, , USA,
June 8-16, 2015
School of PhysicsSahin Buyukdagli , Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey,
May 30 - June 2, 2015
School of PhysicsBing-Sui Lu , University of Ljubljana,, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
May 8-19, 2015
School of PhysicsMajid Mosayebi , University of Oxford , Oxford, UK,
May 3 - Sep. 3, 2015
School of PhysicsMehrdad Mirbabayi , Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA,
April 27 - May 14, 2015
School of PhysicsPiermarco Fonda , SISSA, Trieste, Italy,
April 20 - May 28, 2015
School of PhysicsAmir Abbas Varshovi , IPM, Tehran, Iran,
March 21 - Sep. 22, 2015
School of PhysicsLeili Javidpour , IPM, Tehran, Iran,
March 21 - Sep. 22, 2015
School of Biological SciencesYe Wang , National University of Singapore, , Singapore ,
March 7-12, 2015
School of Particles and AcceleratorsOtto Albrecht Klemm , University of Bonn, , Germany,
Feb. 28 - March 4, 2015
School of Particles and AcceleratorsMarco Serone , SISSA, , Italy,
Feb. 28 - March 4, 2015
School of Particles and AcceleratorsCumrun Vafa , Harvard University, , USA,
Feb. 28 - March 4, 2015
School of Particles and AcceleratorsFrancesco Fucito , University of Rome, Tor Vergata & INFN, Rome, Italy,
Feb. 2-8, 2015
School of Particles and AcceleratorsMarco Billo , University of Turin & INFN, Turin, Italy,
Feb. 2-8, 2015
School of Particles and AcceleratorsAlberto Lerda , University of Turin & INFN, Turin, Italy,
Feb. 2-8, 2015
School of AstronomyGerard Francis Gilmore , university of cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom ,
Jan. 25 - Feb. 2, 2015
School of AstronomyJesus Falcon Barroso , Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Madrid, Spain,
Jan. 24-30, 2015
School of AstronomyBahram Mobasher , University of California, Riverside, USA,
Jan. 24-31, 2015
School of AstronomyReynier Peletier , Kapteyn Insitute, University of Groningen, Hague, Netherlands,
Jan. 24-31, 2015
School of AstronomyCarmen Marcella Carollo , ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland,
Jan. 24-28, 2015
School of AstronomyFeng Yuan , Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shandong Province, China,
Jan. 24-28, 2015
School of AstronomyAreg Mickaelian , Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO), Yerevan, Armenia,
Jan. 23-28, 2015
School of AstronomyAlexey Finogenov , University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland,
Jan. 23-27, 2015
School of AstronomyGary Allan Mamon , Institut dâ??Astrophysique de Paris , Paris, France,
Jan. 21-29, 2015
School of AstronomyJoseph Silk , Institut dâ??Astrophysique de Paris , Paris, France,
Jan. 21-29, 2015
School of AstronomyJacobus Theodorus van Loon , Keele University (UK) , Hague, Netherland,
Jan. 20-22, 2015
School of AstronomySimon John Lilly , ETH Zurich , Zurich, Switzerland,
Jan. 19-23, 2015
School of AstronomyAlvio Renzini , Instituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF - National Institute of Astrophysics), Rome, Italy,
Jan. 17-31, 2015
School of PhysicsDavid Neilson , University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy,
Jan. 15 - Feb. 15, 2015
School of PhysicsGlenn Pierre Barnich , Université Libre de Bruxelles & International Solvay Institutes, Bruxelles, Belgique,
Jan. 13 - Feb. 22, 2015
School of AstronomyNafiseh Masoumzadeh , Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, , Germany,
Jan. 5, 2015
School of AstronomyFatemeh Tabatabaei , Max-Planck-Institut for Astronomy(MPIA), Heidelberg, Germany,
Dec. 30, 2014 - Jan. 28, 2015
School of PhysicsZahra Torbatian , IUT, Isfahan, Iran,
Dec. 22, 2014 - June 21, 2015
School of PhysicsAfsaneh Sadrolashrafi , Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA,
Sep. 23, 2014 - Feb. 19, 2015
School of PhysicsBahman Roostaei , Indiana University, Indianapolis, United States,
July 23, 2014 - May 21, 2015
School of PhysicsBahman Davoudi Dehaghi , British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), Vancouver, Canada,
July 23, 2013 - Sep. 22, 2015
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