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Past Visitors 2011

School of PhysicsMohammad Reza Bakhtiari , Goethe University, Germany, Frankfurt, Germany,
Dec. 18-22, 2011
School of Particles and AcceleratorsJorgen DHondt , Free University of Brussels , , Belgium,
Oct. 23-29, 2011
School of PhysicsMaria Angeles Hernandez Vozmediano , Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, Spain,
Oct. 15-30, 2011
School of PhysicsMalihe Ghodrat , Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran,
Sep. 25-28, 2011
School of PhysicsMohammad Faghfoor Maghrebi , MIT, , USA,
Aug. 29 - Sep. 29, 2011
School of PhysicsSaeed Abedinpour Harzand , IASBS, Zanjan, Iran,
Aug. 6-19, 2011
School of PhysicsLeili Javidpour , , Tehran, Iran,
July 23 - Sep. 23, 2011
School of PhysicsJafar Sadeghi , Mazandaran U., Babolsar, Iran,
June 21 - Sep. 22, 2011
School of PhysicsAhmad Ghodsi Mahmoudzadeh , Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Tehran, Iran,
June 21 - July 20, 2011
School of PhysicsMohammad Sherafati , , Columbia, Missouri, USA,
June 18 - Oct. 1, 2011
School of PhilosophyMark William Brewer , Warwick University , Coventry, United Kingdom,
April 18-23, 2011
School of Particles and AcceleratorsHelmut Wiedemann , Stanford University, , ,
April 13 - May 31, 2011
School of PhysicsMarco Polini , NEST, Instituto Nanoscienze-CNR, Pisa, Italy,
March 12-18, 2011
School of PhysicsVahid Rezvani , University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran,
Feb. 19-25, 2011
School of PhysicsZhidong Yao , Zhejiang Normal University, China, JinhauZhejiang Province,
Jan. 6-29, 2011
School of PhysicsEncieh Erfani , Bonn University, Bonn, Germany,
Jan. 1-21, 2011
School of PhysicsHeesung Cho , Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey,
Dec. 30, 2010 - Jan. 9, 2011
School of PhysicsKonstantin Klemm , Leipzig University, Institute for Computer Science, Germany, Leipzig, Germany,
Dec. 26, 2010 - Jan. 3, 2011
School of PhysicsHossein Cheraghchi , Damghan U., Damghan, Iran,
Oct. 23, 2010 - March 20, 2011
School of PhysicsFarhad Zamani , IASBS, Zanjan, Iran,
Sep. 23, 2010 - March 20, 2011
School of PhysicsSeyed Ebrahim Akrami , Tehran University, Tehran, Iran,
Sep. 23, 2010 - March 21, 2011
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