“Papers of School of Astronomy”

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421. P. Pinilla, M. de Juan Ovelar, S. Ataiee, M. Benisty, T. Birnstiel, F. van Dishoeck and M. Min,
Gas and dust structures in protoplanetary disks hosting multiple planets,
Astronomy & Astrophysics  (to appear) [abstract]

   422. A. Abolhasani, S. Baghram, H. Firouzjahi and M.H. Namjoo,
Asymmetric Sky from the Long Mode Modulations,
Phys. Rev. D 89(2014), 16  [abstract]

In-in and δN calculations of the bispectrum from non-attractor single-field inflation,
JCAP  (to appear) [abstract]

   424. A. Abolhasani, R. Emami and H. Firouzjahi,
Primordial Anisotropies in Gauged Hybrid Inflation,
JCAP 2014(2014), 21  [abstract]

   425. R. Emami, H. Firouzjahi and M. Zarei,
Anisotropic Inflation with the non-Vacuum Initial State,
Phys. Rev. D (2014),   [abstract]

   426. H. Firouzjahi and M.H. Namjoo,
Jump in fluid properties of inflationary universe to reconcile scalar and tensor spectra,
Phys. Rev. D 90(2014), 12  [abstract]

   427. X. Chen, R. Emami, H. Firouzjahi and Y. Wang,
The TT, TB, EB and BB correlations in anisotropic inflation,
JCAP (2014), 27  [abstract]

   428. R. Emami, H. Firouzjahi and Y. Wang,
Scalar-Tensor Anti-Cross-Correlation does not Help to Reconcile the Tension between BICEP2 and Planck,
Phys. Rev. D (2014),   [abstract]

   429. M. Akhshik, R. Emami, H. Firouzjahi and Y. Wang,
Statistical Anisotropies in Gravitational Waves in Solid Inflation,
JCAP  (to appear) [abstract]

   430. M.H. Namjoo, A. Abolhasani, S. Baghram and H. Firouzjahi,
CMB Hemispherical Asymmetry: Long Mode Modulation and non-Gaussianity,
JCAP 2014(2014), 11  [abstract]

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