“Papers of School of Astronomy”

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311. S. Akram. Yaghouti, Mohsen. Nejad-Asghar and Shahram. Abbassi,
The Kelvin–Helmholtz instability in the Orion nebula: the effect,
MNRAS 470(2017), 2559â??2565  [abstract]

   312. H. G. Khosroshahi, M. Raouf, H. Miraghaei, S. Brough, D. J. Croton, S. Driver, A. Graham, I. Baldry, M. Brown, M. Prescott and L. Wang,
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): A,
Astrophysical Journal 842(2017),   [abstract]

   313. M. Raouf, S. S. Shabala, D. J. Croton, H. G. Khosroshahi and M. Bernyk,
The many lives of active galactic nuclei-II: The formation and evolution of radio jets and their impact on galaxy evolution,
MNRAS (2017), 15  [abstract]

   314. M. Ghasemnezhad and Sh. Abbassi,
The influence of outflow and global magnetic field on the structure,
Springer (2017),   [abstract]

   315. A. Habibi, Sh. Abbassi and M. Shadmehri,
Exact analytical solutions for ADAFs,
MNRAS 464(2017),   [abstract]

   316. A. Allahyari and J. T. Firouzjaee,
Long gradient mode and large-scale structure observables,
Phys. Rev. D 95(2017),   [abstract]

   317. H. Miraghaei and P. N. Best,
The nuclear properties and extended morphologies of powerful radio galaxies: the roles of host galaxy and environment,
MNRAS 466(2017),   [abstract]

   318. A. Farhang, H. G. Khosroshahi, G. A. Mamon, A.A. Dariush and M. Raouf,
Astrophysical Journal 840(2017), 11  [abstract]

   319. H. Moshafi, A. Sojasi, E. yusofi and M. Mohsenzadeh,
Reconstruction of initial Asymptotic-de Sitter mode in light of the Planck data,
JCAP (2017),   [abstract]

   320. T. Rostami, A. Karami and H. Firouzjahi,
Effective field theory of statistical anisotropies for primordial bispectrum and gravitational waves,
JCAP 2017(2017), 31  [abstract]

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