“Papers of School of Physics”


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  861. H. Hatami, N. Abedpour, A. qaiumzadeh and R. Asgari,
Conductance of a Bilayer Graphene in The Presence of a Magnetic Field: Effect of Disorder,
Phys. Rev. B 83(2011), 125433  [abstract]

   862. A.A. Rahimi, M.Kh. Bahmani, A. Masoudnejad, M. Saâ??adati, , A. Khosravi and A. Shafiekhani,
Application of near-infrared spectroscopy and support vector machine in detection of HIV-1 infection,
Kowsar Medical Journal 15(2010), 23-29  [abstract]

   863. M. Akbarzadeh Pasha, M. Ranjbar, M.A. Vesaghi and A. Shafiekhani,
The evolution of catalyst layer morphology and sub-surface growth of CNTs over the hot filament grown Fe-Cr thin films,
Appl. Surf. Sci. 257(2010), 1511-1515  [abstract]

   864. J. Taghizadeh Firouzjaee and R. Mansouri,
Asymptotically FRW Black Holes,
Gen. Relat. Gravit. 42(2010), 2431  [abstract]

   865. M. Hafez, S.A. Jafari, Sh. Adibi and F. Shahbazi,
Classical Analogue of the Ionic Hubbard Model,
Phys. Rev. B 81(2010), 245131  [abstract]

   866. S.A. Jafari and M. Alaei,
Fermi Surface Nesting and Possibility of Orbital Ordering in FeO,
Phys. Lett. A 374(2010), 3793-3796  [abstract]

   867. M. H. Zare, M. Amini, F. Shahbazi and S.A. Jafari,
Anderson Transition in Disordered Bilayer Graphene,
J. Physics: Condens. Matter 22(2010), 255503 (6pp)  [abstract]

   868. H.H. Arefi, S.A. Jafari and M.R. Abolhassani,
Substitutional Doping of Cu in Diamond: Mott Physics with P Orbitals,
Eur. Phys. J. B 77(2010), 331-336  [abstract]

   869. M. Hafez and S.A. Jafari,
Excitation Spectrum of One-Dimensional Extended Ionic Hubbard Model,
Eur. Phys. J. B 78(2010), 323-333  [abstract]

   870. A.A . Saberi and H. Dashti-Naserabadi,
Three Dimensional Ising Model, Percolation Theory and Conformal Invariance,
Europhys. Lett. 92(2010), 67005  [abstract]

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