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سمت در پژوهشگاه

پژوهشگر مقیم، پژوهشکده ذرات و شتابگر
(1403 تا اکنون )

سمت‌های پیشین در پژوهشگاه

پسا دکتری، پژوهشکده ذرات و شتابگر
(1396 تا 1402)

علایق پژوهشی

Phenomenology of new physics
High energy physics

پروژهٔ پژوهشی فعلی در پژوهشگاه

Probing new physics at particle colliders


1. S. Tizchang, R. Mohammadi and S. S. Xue
The impact of the Lorentz symmetry violation on the CMB polarization
MG16 (2023),   [abstract]   
Code: IPM/P.A-801
2. C. Burigana, E. Battistelli, L. Bonavera, T. Choudhury, M. Lopez-Caniego, C. Skordis, R. Sullivan, H. Tanimura, S. Tizchang, M. Tristram and A. Weltman
Cosmic backgrounds from the radio to the far-infrared: Recent results and perspectives from cosmological and astrophysical surveys
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 31 (2022),   [abstract]   
Code: IPM/P.A-800
3. S. M. Etesami, R. Jafari, M. Mohammadi Najafabadi and S. Tizchang
Searching for lepton flavor violating interactions at future electron-positron colliders
Phys. Rev. D 104 (2021),   [abstract]   
arXive.org link: 2107.00545 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P.A-714
4. S. Tizchang and S. M. Etesami
Pinning down the gauge boson couplings in WWγ production using forward proton tagging
JHEP 07 (2020),   [abstract]   
arXive.org link: 2004.12203 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P.A-628
5. M. Haghighat, S. Mahmoudi, R. Mohammadi, S. Tizchang and S. S. Xue
Circular polarization of cosmic photons due to their interactions with Sterile neutrino dark matter
Phys. Rev. D 101 (2020),   [abstract]   
arXive.org link: 1909.03883 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P.A-627
6. D. Haji Raissi, S. Tizchang and M. Mohammadi Najafabadi
Loop induced singlet scalar production through the vector like top quark at future lepton colliders
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys 47 (2020),   [abstract]   
arXive.org link: arXiv:1810.08797 [hep-ph] [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P.A-513
7. S. Tizchang, S. Batebi, . Haghighat and . Mohammadi
The generation of B-mode and circular polarization of cosmic photons due to Non-Commutative space-Time background
( In: In Proceeding of PoS ICHEP2018)
Code: IPM/P.A-630
8. S. Tizchang, D. Haji Raissi and M. Mohammadi Najafabadi
Probing a singlet scalar in electron- positron colliders
( In: in Proceeding of PoS ICHEP2018)
Code: IPM/P.A-629
9. S. Tizchang, R. Mohammadi and S. S. Xue
Probing Lorentz violation effects via a laser beam interacting with a high-energy charged lepton beam
Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019),   [abstract]   
arXive.org link: 1811.00486 [hep-ph] | [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P.A-552
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