“مهدی صادقی”

پست الکترونیکی:

سمت در پژوهشگاه |
پژوهشکده علوم زیستی
پژوهشگر ارشد، پژوهشکده علوم زیستی (1385 تا اکنون ) |
مقالات |
1. | S.F. Sajjadi, N. Salehi and M. Sadeghi Comprehensive integrated single-cell RNA sequencing analysis of brain metastasis and glioma microenvironment: Contrasting heterogeneity landscapes PLOS ONE (2024), [abstract] |
2. | H. Latifi-Navid, Z. S. Soheili, S. Samiei, M. Sadeghi, S. Taghizadeh, E. Ranaei Pirmardan and E. Ahmadieh Network analysis and the impact of Aflibercept on specific mediators of angiogenesis in HUVEC cells Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (2021), [abstract] |
3. | S. Vafadar, M. Shahdoust, A. Kalirad, P. Zakeri and M. Sadeghi Competitive exclusion during co-infection as a strategy to prevent the spread of a virus: A computational perspective Plos One (2021), [abstract] |
4. | F. Mohseni-Salehi, F. Zare-Mirakabad, M. Sadeghi and S. Ghafouri-Fard A Stochastic Model of DNA Double-Strand Breaks Repair Throughout the Cell Cycle Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 82 (2021), 1-36 [abstract] |
5. | S. A. Malekpour, A. R. Alizad-Rahvar and M. Sadeghi LogicNet: probabilistic continuous logics in reconstructing gene regulatory networks BMC Bioinformatics 21 (2020), 1-21 [abstract] |
6. | C. Razavi Pashabayg, N. Momenifar, S. A. Malekpour, M. Sadeghi, A. Rahimi Foroushani, H. Rafatpanah, N. Valizadeh, F. Sabet, S. M. Jazayeri, H. Keyvani, S. A. Rezaee and M. Norouzi Phylogenetic and phylodynamic study of Human T-cell lymphotropic virus Type 1 (HTLV-1) in Iran Infection, Genetics and Evolution (Accepted) [abstract] |
7. | N. Khorasani, M. Sadeghi and A. Nowzari-Dalini A Computational Model of Stem Cell Molecular Mechanism to Maintain Tissue Homeostasis bioRxiv (Accepted) [abstract] |
8. | S. Vafadar, K. Kavousi, H. Safdari, A. Kalirad and M. Sadeghi From indication to decision: A hierarchical approach to model the chemotactic behavior of Escherichia coli Theoretical Biology 495 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2020.110253 [abstract] |
9. | N. Ejlali, H. Pezeshk, Y. P. Chaubey, M. Sadeghi, A. Ebrahimi and A. Nowzari-Dalini Parrondos Paradox for Games with Three Players and Its Potential Application in Combination Therapy for Type II Diabetes Physica A 556 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2020.124707 [abstract] |
10. | M. Askari, R. Karamzadeh, N. Ansari-Pour, M. H. Karimi-Jafari, N. Almadani, M. A. Sadighi Gilani, H. Gourabi, A. Vosough Taghi Dizaj, A. Mohseni Meybodi, M. Sadeghi, A. Bashamboo, K. McElreavey and M. Totonchi Identification of a missense variant in CLDN2 in obstructive azoospermia J.human genetics 64 (2019), 1023-1032 [abstract] Note: 03 July 2019 |
11. | H. Safdari, M. Sadeghi and A. Kalirad Making ATP fast and slow: do yeasts play a mixed strategy to metabolise glucose? bioRxiv (2019), https://doi.org/10.1101/540757 [abstract] |
12. | M. Shahdoust, H. Mahjub, H. Pezeshk and M. Sadeghi A Network-based Comparison between Molecular Apocrine Breast Cancer Tumors and Basal and Luminal Tumors by Joint Graphical Lasso computational biology and bioinformatics DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2019.2911074 (2019), [abstract] |
13. | S. A. Malekpour, P. Pakzad, M. H. Foroughmand-Araabi, S. Goliaei, R. Tusserkani, B. Goliaei and M. Sadeghi Modeling the probability distribution of the bacterial burst size via a game-theoretic approach Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology 16 (2018), https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219720018500129 [abstract] |
14. | A. R. Alizad-Rahvar and M. Sadeghi Ambiguity in logic-based models of gene regulatory networks: An integrative multi-perturbation analysis PlosOne 13 (2018), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0206976 [abstract] |
15. | N. Ejlali, H. Pezeshk, Y. P. Chaubey and M. Sadeghi Parrondo's Paradox for Games with Three Players Technical Report 983832/1/ report No. 1/18 (2018) (2018), Spectrum: Concordia University, https://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/983832/1/report1-18.pdf [abstract] |
16. | A. Malekpour, H. Pezeshk and M. Sadeghi MSeq-CNV: accurate detection of Copy Number Variation from Sequencing of Multiple samples Scientific Reports 8 (2018), doi:10.1038/s41598-018-22323-8 [abstract] |
17. | J. Salimi Sartakhti, M. H. Manshaei and M. Sadeghi MMPâTIMP interactions in cancer invasion: An evolutionary game-theoretical framework Journal of Theoretical Biology 412 (2017), 17-26 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.09.019) [abstract] |
18. | J. Salimi Sartakhti, M. H. Manshaei, D. Basanta and M. Sadeghi Evolutionary emergence of angiogenesis in avascular tumors using a spatial public goods game Plos One 12 (2017), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0175063 [abstract] |
19. | N. Ejlali, M. R. Faghihi and M. Sadeghi Bayesian comparison of protein structures using partial Procrustes distance Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology 16 (2017), 243-257 (https://doi.org/10.1515/sagmb-2016-0014) [abstract] |
20. | B. Khazaei, J. Salimi Sartakhti, M. H. Manshaei, Q. Zhu, M. Sadeghi and S. R. Mousavi HIV-1-infected T-cells dynamics and prognosis: An evolutionary game model Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 152 (2017), 1-14 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2017.08.021) [abstract] |
21. | F. Mohseni-Salehi, F. Zare-Mirakabad, S. Ghafouri-Fard and M. Sadeghi The effect of stochasticity on repair of DNA double strand breaks throughout non-homologous end joining pathway Mathematical medicine and biology: a journal of the IMA (2017), https://doi.org/10.1093/imammb/dqx017 [abstract] |
22. | M. Sadeghi, H. Pezeshk, R. Tusserkani, A. Sharifi Zarchi, S.A. Malekpour-Nargesi, Mehdi. Foroughmand, S. Goliaei, M. Totonchi and N. Ansari-Pour The Role and Importance of Genome Sequencing in Prediction of Cancer Risk Bioengineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering 11 (2017), 455-460 [abstract] |
23. | A. Sharifi-Zarchi, D. Gerovska, K. Adachi, M. Totonchi, H. Pezeshk, R. J. Taft, H. R. Schöler, . Chitsaz, M. Sadeghi, B. Baharvand and M. J. Araúzo-Bravo DNA methylation regulates discrimination of enhancers from promoters through a H3K4me1-H3K4me3 seesaw mechanism BMC Genomics 18 (2017), 964 [abstract] |
24. | A. Fotoohinasab, E. Fatemizadeh, H. Pezeshk and M. Sadeghi Denoising of genetic switches based on Parrondos paradox Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 493 (2017), 410-420 [abstract] |
25. | M. Shahdoust, H. Pezeshk, H. Mahjub and M. Sadeghi F-MAP: A Bayesian approach to infer the gene regulatory network using external hints PlosOne 19 (2017), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0184795 [abstract] |
26. | F. Dorri, H. Pezeshk and M. Sadeghi Stochastic Cell Fate and Longevity of Offspring Cell Journal 19 (2017), 343-350 [abstract] |
27. | A. Malekpour, H. Pezeshk and M. Sadeghi PSE-HMM: genome-wide CNV detection from NGS data using an HMM with Position-Specific Emission probabilities BMC Bioinformatics https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-016-1296-y (2016), 1-30 [abstract] |
28. | R. Jafari, M. Sadeghi and M. Mirzaie Investigating the importance of Delaunay-based definition of atomic interactions in scoring of proteinâprotein docking results J. Mol. Graphics and Modelling 16 (2016), 108â??114â??â?? [abstract] |
29. | S. A. Malekpour, H. Pezeshk and M. Sadeghi MGP-HMM: detecting genome-wide CNVs using an HMM for modeling mate pair insertion sizes and read counts Mathematical Biosciences (2016), 53-62 [abstract] |
30. | N. Ejlali. , H. Pezeshk. and M. Sadeghi. A Note on the Parrondo's Paradox The 10th Seminar on Probabilty and Stochastic Processes (2015), 140 [abstract] |
31. | P. Khosravi. , V. H. Gazestani. , B. Law. , G. D. Bader. and M. Sadeghi. Comparative analysis of co-expression networks reveals molecular changes during the cancer progression IFMBE 51 (2015), 1481 [abstract] |
32. | P. Khosravi. , V. H. Gazestani. , L. Pirhaji. , B. Law. , M. Sadeghi. , B. Goliaei. and G. D. Bader. Inferring interaction type in gene regulatory networks using co-expression data AMB Vol: 10, DOI: 10.1186/s13015-015-0054-4 (2015), 23 [abstract] |
33. | A. Sharifi-Zarchi. , M. Totonchi. , K. Khaloughi. , R. Karamzadeh. , M. J. Araúzo-Bravo. , H. Baharvand. , R. Tusserkani. , H. Pezeshk. , H. R. Chitsaz. and M. Sadeghi. Increased robustness of early embryogenesis through collective decision-making by key transcription factors BMC Systems Biology DOI:10.1186/s12918-015-0169-8 (2015), [abstract] |
34. | P. Khosravi. , V. H. Gazestani. , M. Akbarzadeh. , S. Mirkhalaf. , M. Sadeghi. and B. Goliaei. Comparative Analysis of Prostate Cancer Gene Regulatory Networks via Hub Type Variation Avicenna J Med Biotech 7 (2015), 8-15 [abstract] |
35. | M.. Pourkamali Anarak, M.. Sadeghi and . Efficient fast heuristic algorithms for minimum error correction haplotyping from SNP fragments International journal of computational biology and drug design 7 (2014), 358 - 368 [abstract] |
36. | P. Khosravi. , J. Zahiri. , V. H. Gazestani. , S. Mirkhalaf. , M. Akbarzadeh. , M. Sadeghi. and B. Goliaei. Analysis of Candidate Genes Has Proposed the Role of Y Chromosome in Human Prostate Cancer Iranian Journal of Cancer Prevention 7 (2014), 204-211 [abstract] |
37. | P. Khosravi. , V. H. Gazestani. , Y. Asgari. , B. Law. , M. Sadeghi. and B. Goliaei. Network-based approach reveals Y chromosome influences prostate cancer susceptibility Computers in Biology and Medicine 54 (2014), 24-31 [abstract] |
38. | M. Heidari. , S. A. Marashi. , R. Tusserkani. and M. Sadeghi. Reconstruction of phylogenetic trees of prokaryotes using maximal common intervals Biosystems 124 (2014), 86-94 [abstract] |
39. | F, Dorri. , H. Mahini. , A. Sharifi-Zarchi. , M. Totonchi. , R. Tusserkani. , H. Pezeshk. and M. Sadeghi. Natural Biased Coin Encoded in the Genome Determines Cell Strategy Plos One 9 (2014), e103569 [abstract] |
40. | S. N. Hassani. , M. Totonchi. , A. Sharifi-Zarchi. , S. Mollamohammadi. , M. Pakzad. , S. Moradi. , A. Samadian. , N. Masoudi. , S. Mirshahvaladi. , A. Farrokhi. , B, Greber. , M. J. Araúzo-Bravo. , D. Sabour. , M. Sadeghi. , G. Hosseini Salekdeh. , G. Gourabi. , H. R. Schöler. and H. Baharvand. Inhibition of TGFβ Signaling Promotes Ground State Pluripotency Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 10 (2014), 16-30 [abstract] |
41. | M. H. Foroughmand-Araabi. , B. Goliaei. , K. Alishahi. and M. Sadeghi. Dependency of codon usage on protein sequence patterns: a statistical study Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 11 (2014), 2 [abstract] |
42. | M. P. Naeini. , B. Moshiri. , B. N. Araabi. and M. Sadeghi. Learning by abstraction: Hierarchical classification model using evidential theoretic approach and Bayesian ensemble model, Neurocomputing Neurocomputing 130 (2014), 73-82 [abstract] |
43. | E. S. Ansari. , H. Pezeshk. , M. Sadeghi. and C. Eslahchi. ProDomAs; Protein Domain Assignment Algorithm using Centre-Based Clustering and Independent Dominating Set Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 82 (2014), 1937â??1946 [abstract] |
44. | V. Eskandari. , B. Yakhchali. , M. Sadeghi. and A. A. Karkhane. In silico design and construction of metal binding hybrid proteins for specific removal of cadmium based on CS3 pili display on the surface of Escherichia coli Biotechnology and applied biochemistry 60 (2013), 564-572 [abstract] |
45. | M. A. Haghighi. , A. M. Mobarez. , A. H. Salmanian. , M. Moazeni. , M. R. Zali. , M. Sadeghi. and J. Amani. In silico experiment with an antigen-toll-like receptor-5 agonist fusion construct for immunogenic application to Helicobacter pylori Indian journal of human genetics 19 (2013), 43 [abstract] |
46. | G. Mahdevar. , A. Nowzari-Dalini. and M. Sadeghi. Inferring gene correlation networks from transcription factor binding sites Genes & genetic systems 88 (2013), 301-309 [abstract] |
47. | N. Zeinalzadeh. , G. Ahangari. , M. Sadeghi. , J. Amani. , S. Z. Bathaie. and M. Jafari. Design and characterization a chimeric multi-epitope construct containing CfaB, ST toxoid, CssA, CssB and LTB of Enterotoxigenic Biotechnology and applied biochemistry (2013), [abstract] |
48. | V.Rezaei. , S. Naghizadeh. , H. Pezeshk. , M. Sadeghi. and C. Eslahchi. Comparison of the bidirectional Baum-Welch algorithm and the Baum-Welch algorithm on regular lattice Progress in Biological Sciences 2 (2013), 14-22 [abstract] |
49. | M. Jafari. , M.Mirzaie. , M. Sadeghi. , S. A. Marashi. and M. Rezaei-Tavirani. Exploring biological processes involved in embryonic stem cell differentiation by analyzing proteomic data BBA 1834 (2013), 1063-1069 [abstract] |
50. | M.Vahed. , E.Motalebi. , G. Rigi. , K. Akbari Noghabi. , M. Soudi. , M. Sadeghi. and G. Ahmadian. Improving chitinolytic activity of Bacillus pumilus SG2 by random mutagenesis Journal of Microbiol Biotechnol 23 (2013), 1519-1528 [abstract] |
51. | M. H. Foroughmand-Araabi. , B. Goliaei. and M. Sadeghi. iProsite: an improved prosite database achieved by replacing ambiguous positions with more informative representations Progress in Biological Sciences 3 (2013), 67-81 [abstract] |
52. | S. N. Hassani. , M. Totonchi. , A. Sharifi-Zarchi. , S. Mollamohammadi. , M. Pakzad. , S. Moradi. , A. Samadian. , N. Masoudi. , S. Mirshahvaladi. , A. Farrokhi. , B. Greber. , M. J. Araúzo-Bravo. , D. Sabour. , M. Sadeghi. , G. Hosseini Salekdeh. , H. Gourabi. , H. R. Schöler. and H. Baharvand. Inhibition of TGFβ Signaling Promotes Ground State Pluripotency Stem Cell Rev and Rep 10 (2013), 16-30 [abstract] |
53. | M. Mirzaie. and M. Sadeghi. Delaunay-based non-local interactions are sufficient and accurate in protein fold recognition Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 82 (2013), 415-423 [abstract] |
54. | M. Jafari. , M. Sadeghi. , M. Mirzaie. , S. A. Marashi. and M. Rezaei-Tavirani. Evolutionarily conserved motifs and modules in mitochondrial protein-protein interaction networks Mitochondrion 13 (2013), 668-675 [abstract] |
55. | V.Rezaei. , H. Pezeshk. , M. Sadeghi. and C. Eslahchi. Assignment Of Protein Sequences To Protein Family Profiles Using Spatial Statistics. MATCH Communication in Methematical and in Computer Chemistry 69 (2013), 7-24 [abstract] |
56. | Z. Safikhani. , M. Sadeghi. , H. Pezeshk. and C. Eslahchi. SSP: An interval integer linear programming for de novo transcriptome assembly and isoform discovery of RNA-seq reads Genomics 102 (2013), 507-514 [abstract] |
57. | E. Salehghamari. , J. Hamedi. , E. Elahi. , Z. Sepehrizadeh. , M. Sadeghi. and G. Muth. Prediction of the pho regulon in Streptomyces clavuligerus DSM New Microbiologica 35 (2012), 447 [abstract] |
58. | R. Aghdam. , H. Pezeshk. , S.A. Malekpour. , S. Shemehsavar. , M. Sadeghi. and C. Eslahchi. A Clustering Approach for Estimating Parameters of a Profle Hidden Markov Model International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 8 (2012), 66-82 [abstract] |
59. | M. Mirzarezaei. , M. Sadeghi. and B. N. Araabi. Construction and analysis of tissue-specific protein-protein interaction network in humans Progress in Biological Sciences 2 (2012), 1-13 [abstract] |
60. | C. Eslahchi. , R. Hassanzadeh. , E. Mottaghi. , M. Habibi. , H. Pezeshk. and M. Sadeghi. Constructing Circular Phylogenetic Networks From Weighted Quartets Using Simulated Annealing Mathematical Biosciences 235 (2012), 123-127 [abstract] |
61. | M. Mirzaie. and M. Sadeghi. Distance-Dependent Atomic Knowledge-Based Force In Protein Fold Recognition Protein Journal 80 (2012), 683-690 [abstract] |
62. | K. Kavousi. , M. Sadeghi. , B. Moshiri. , B. N. Araabi. and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi. Evidence Theoretic Protein Fold Classification Based On The Concept Of Hyperfold Mathematical Biosciences 240 (2012), 148-160 [abstract] |
63. | Gh. Mahdevar. , M. Sadeghi. and A. Nowzari-Dalini. Transcription Factor Binding Sites Detection By Using Alignment-Based Approach Journal of Theoretical Biology 304 (2012), 96-102 [abstract] |
64. | M. Habibi. , C. Eslahchi. , H. Pezeshk. and M. Sadeghi. An Information Theoretic Approach To Secondary Structure Assignment MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 65 (2011), 5-20 [abstract] |
65. | K. Kavousi. , B. Moshiri. , M. Sadeghi. , B. N. Araabi. and A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi. A Protein Fold Classifier Formed By Fusing Different Modes Of Pseudo Amino Acid Composition Via PSSM Computational Biology and Chemistry 35 (2011), 1-9 [abstract] |
66. | P. Zakeri. , B. Moshiri. and M. Sadeghi. Prediction Of Protein Submitochondria Locations Based On Data Fusion Of Various Features Of Sequences Journal of Theoretical Biology 269 (2011), 208-216 [abstract] |
67. | M. Mirzarezaee. , M. Sadeghi. and B. N. Araabi. Dynamical Analysis Of Yeast Protein Interaction Network During The Sake Brewing Process Microbiology 49 (2011), 965-973 [abstract] |
68. | G. A. Kardar. , A. Zomorodipour. , M. Moin. , Z. Pourpak. , M. Sadeghi. and F. Ataei. The effects of novel mutations in A1 domain of human coagulation factor VIII on its secretion level in cultured mammalian cells IRANIAN JOURNAL of BIOTECHNOLOGY 8 (2010), [abstract] |
69. | S. Ghasemi. , G. Ahmadian. , M. Sadeghi. , D. R. Zeigler. , H. Rahimian. , S. Ghandili. , N. Naghibzadeh. and A. Dehestani . First report of a bifunctional chitinase/lysozyme produced by Bacillus pumilus SG2 Enzyme and microbial technology 48 (2010), 225-231 [abstract] |
70. | S.Arab. , C. Eslahchi. , M. Sadeghi. , H. Pezeshk. and A. Sheari. A Pairwise Residue Contact Area-Based Mean Force Potential For Discrimination Of Native Protein Structure BMC Bioinformatics 11 (2010), 16 [abstract] |
71. | H. Pezeshk. , S. Naghizadeh. , S. A. Malekpour. , C. Eslahchi. and M. Sadeghi. A Modified Bidirectional Hidden Markov Model And Its Application In Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Advanced Computer Control 3 (2010), 535-538 [abstract] |
72. | G. Mahdevar. , J. Zahiri. , M. Sadeghi. , A. Nowzari-Dalini. and H. Ahrabian. Tag SNP Selection Via A Genetic Algorithm Biomed Inform 43 (2010), 800-804 [abstract] |
73. | M. Habibi. , C. Eslahchi. , M. Sadeghi. and H. Pezeshk. The Interpretation Of Protein Structures Based On Graph Theory And Contact Map Open Access Bioinformatics 2 (2010), 127-137 [abstract] |
74. | J. Zahiri. , G. Mahdevar. , A. Nowzari-dalini. , H. Ahrabian. and M. Sadeghi. A Novel Efficient Dynamic Programming Algorithm For Haplotype Block Partitioning Journal of Theoretical Biology 267 (2010), 164-170 [abstract] |
75. | M. Sadeghi. , H. Pezeshk. , C. Eslahchi. , S. Ahmadian. and S. Mah Abadi. Construction Of Random Perfect Phylogeny Matrix Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry 3 (2010), 89-96 [abstract] |
76. | C. Eslahchi. , H. Pezeshk. , M. Sadeghi. , P. Giabbanelli. , F. Movahedi. and V.A. Dabbaghian. A Probabilistic Model For The Spread Of HIV Infection Among Injection Drug Users World Journal of Modelling and Simulation 6 (2010), 267-273 [abstract] |
77. | A. Meshkin. , N. Ghasem Aghaee. and M. Sadeghi. Modeling And Implementing An Agent-Based System For Prediction Of Protein 3 Relative Solvent Accessibility Expert Systems with Applications 38 (2010), 6324-6332 [abstract] |
78. | M. Mirzarezaee. , B. N. Araabi. and M. Sadeghi. Features Analysis For Identification Of Date And Party Hubs In Protein Interaction Network Of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae BMC Systems Biology 4 (2010), 172 [abstract] |
79. | M. Mirzarezaee. , B. N. Araabi. and M. Sadeghi. Comparison Of Hubs In Effective Normal And Tumor Protein Interaction Networks Basic and Clinical Neuroscience 2 (2010), 44-50 [abstract] |
80. | R. Aghdam. , H. Pezeshk. , S.A. Malekpour. , S. Shemehsavar. , M. Sadeghi. and C. Eslahchi. A Bidirectional Bayesian Monte Carlo Approach For Estimating Parameters Of A Profile Hidden Markov Model Applied Science Segment 1 (2010), [abstract] |
81. | M. Mirzaie. and M. Sadeghi. Knowledge-Based Potentials In Protein Fold Recognition Journal of Paramedical Sciences 1 (2010), 65-75 [abstract] |
82. | H. Mirzaei. , S. Ahmadian. , S. Mahabadi. , M. Sadeghi. , C. Eslahchi. and H. Pezeshk. An Algorithm for Construction of All Perfect Phylogeny Matrices MATCH Communication in Methematical and in Computer Chemistry 62 (2009), 251 [abstract] |
83. | M. Mirzaie. , C. Eslahchi. , H. Pezeshk. and M. Sadeghi. A distance-dependent atomic knowledge based potential and force for discrimination of native structures from decoys Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 77 (2009), 454-463 [abstract] |
84. | A. Meshkin. , M. Sadeghi. and N. Ghasem-Aghaee. Prediction of Relative Solvent Accessibility using Pace Regression Excli journal 8 (2009), 211-217 [abstract] |
85. | F. Zare-Mirakabad. , M. Sadeghi. , H. Ahrabian. and A. Nowzari-Dalini. RNAComp: A New Method For RNA Secondary Structure Alignment Match 61 (2009), 789 [abstract] |
86. | S. A. Malekpour. , S. Naghizadeh . , H. Pezeshk. , M. Sadeghi. and C. Eslahchi. Protein secondary structure prediction using three neural networks and a segmental semi Markov model Mathematical Biosciences 217 (2009), 145-150 [abstract] |
87. | C. Eslahchi. , H. Pezeshk. , M. Sadeghi. , A. M. Rahimi. , H. Maboudi Afkham. and S. Arab. STON: Anovel method for protein three-dimensional structure comparison Computers in Biology and Medicine 39 (2009), 166-172 [abstract] |
88. | M. Kargar. , H. Poormohammadi. , L. Pirhaji. , M. Sadeghi. , H. Pezeshk. and C. Eslahchi. Enhanced Evolutionary And Heuristic Algorithms For Haplotype Reconstruction Problem Using Minimum Error Correction Model Match 62 (2009), 261-274 [abstract] |
89. | C. Eslahchi. , H. Pezeshk. , M. Sadeghi. and A. S. Attar. LIBRA: A de Novo Motif Finding In Promoter Sequences Based On Linear Algebra. Proceedings of world Academy of Science Engineering and Technology 37 (2009), 507-512 [abstract] |
90. | F. Zare-Mirakabad. , H. Ahrabian. , M. Sadeghi. , S. Hashemifar. , A. Nowzari-Dalini. and B. Goliaei. Genetic Algorithm For Dyad Pattern Finding In DNA Sequences Genes & genetic systems 84 (2009), 81-93 [abstract] |
91. | F. Zare-Mirakabad. , P. Davoodi. , H. Ahrabian. , A. Nowzari-Dalini. , M. Sadeghi. and B. Goliaei. Finding Motifs Based On Suffix Trie Advanced Modeling and Optimization 11 (2009), 177-194 [abstract] |
92. | F. Zare-Mirakabad. , H. Ahrabian. , M. Sadeghi. , A. Nowzari-Dalini. and B. Goliaei. New Scoring Schema For Finding Motifs In DNA Sequences BMC Bioinformatics 10 (2009), 93 [abstract] |
93. | M. Mirzaie. , C. Eslahchi. , H. Pezeshk. and M. Sadeghi. A Distance Dependent Atomic Knowledge Based Potential And Force For Discrimination Of Native Structures From Decoys Protein Journal 77 (2009), 454-463 [abstract] |
94. | S. A. Malekpour. , S. Naghizadeh. , H. Pezeshk. , M. Sadeghi. and C. Eslahchi. A Segmental Semi Markov Model For Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Mathematical Biosciences 221 (2009), 130-135 [abstract] |
95. | A. Katanforoush. , M. Sadeghi. , H. Pezeshk. and E. Elahi. Global Haplotype Partitioning For Maximal Associated SNP Pairs BMC Bioinformatics 10 (2009), 269 [abstract] |
96. | L. Pirhaji. , M. Kargar. , A. Sheari. , H. Poormohamadi. , M. Sadeghi. , H. Pezeshk. and C. Eslahchi. The Performance Of Chi-Square Test And Complexity Measures For Signal Recognition In Biological Sequences Journal of Theoretical Biology 251 (2008), 380-387 [abstract] |
97. | A. Sheari. , M. Kargar. , A. Katanforoush. , S. Arab. , M. Sadeghi. , H. Pezeshk. , C. Eslahchi. and S. A. Marashi. A Tale of two Symmetrical Tails: Structural and Functional Charateristics of Palindroms in Proteins BMC Bioinformatics 9 (2008), 274 [abstract] |
98. | A. Momen-Roknabadi. , M. Sadeghi. , H. Pezeshk. and S. A. Marashi. Impact of Residue Accessible Surface Area on the Prediction of Protein Secondary Structures BMC Bioinformatics 9 (2008), 357 [abstract] |
99. | M. Habibi. , C. Eslahchi. , H. Pezeshk. and M. Sadeghi. An Information Theoritical Approch To Secondary Structure Assignment Iran. Int. J. Sci. 34 (2008), 41-48 [abstract] |
100. | S. Naghizadeh. , H. Pezeshk. , M. Sadeghi. , M. Mohammadzadeh. and C. Eslahchi. A MODIFICATION ON A LEFT-TO-RIGHT AND RIGHT-TO-LEFT DEPENDENCY MODEL FOR SECONDARY STRUCTURE PREDICTION Iran. Int. J. Sci. 34 (2008), 61-66 [abstract] |
101. | S. R. Hosseini. , M. Sadeghi. , H. Pezeshk. , C. Eslahchi. and M. Habibi. PROSIGN: A Method for Protein Secondary Structure Assignment Based on Three-Dimensional Coordinates of Cosecutive Ca atoms Computational Biology and Chemistry 32 (2008), 406-411 [abstract] |
102. | N. K. Tafreshi. , S. Hosseinkhani. , M. Sadeghizadeh. , M. Sadeghi. , B. Ranjbar. and H. Naderi-Manesh. The Influence of Insertion of a Critical Residue (Arg356) in Structure and Bioluminescence Spectra of Firefly Luciferase Journal of Biological Chemistry 282 (2007), 8641-8647 [abstract] |
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105. | S. A. Marashi. , M. Kargar. , A. Katanforoush. , H. Abolhasani. and M. Sadeghi. Evolution of Ligand-Diffusion Chreods on Protein-Surface Models:A Genetic Algorithm Study Chemistry and Biodivrsity 4 (2007), 2766-2771 [abstract] |
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