“حمید وحید دستجردی”

پست الکترونیکی:

سمت در پژوهشگاه |
هیئت علمی،
پژوهشکده فلسفه تحلیلی
(1374 تا اکنون ) |
سمتهای پیشین در پژوهشگاه |
رئیس، پژوهشکده فلسفه تحلیلی
(1382 تا 1403) |
سمتهای خارج از پژوهشگاه |
Faculty Member of IPM | ||
علایق پژوهشی |
Epistemology, Philosophy of mind, Philosophical logic | ||
مقالات |
1. | H. Vahid Reason, reasoning, and the taking condition European Journal of Philosophy (Forthcoming) [abstract] |
2. | H. Vahid The perceptual model: Emotions as possessed reasons Ratio (Forthcoming) [abstract] |
3. | H. Vahid Friendship and the grades of doxastic partiality Theoria 90 (2024), 122-133 [abstract] |
4. | H. Vahid and M. Morvarid "Reply to Jay L. Garfield" in Global Dialogues in the Philosophy of Religion (2024), [abstract] |
5. | H. Vahid and M. Morvarid "Revelation and Religious Experience" in Global Dialogues in the Philosophy of Religion (2024), [abstract] |
6. | H. Vahid "Faith, Knowledge and Certainty: An Islamic Philosophy Perspective" in Analytic Philosophy of Islam (2024), [abstract] |
7. | H. Vahid Dogmatism and Perceptual Justification: A Reason-Theoretic Foundation The Southern Journal of Philosophy (Forthcoming) [abstract] |
8. | H. Vahid Evidentialism, Rational Deliberation, and the Basing Relation Journal of Philosophical Research (Forthcoming) [abstract] |
9. | H. Vahid "Making Sense of Obligatory Faith in the Quran" in Regulative Verses of the Quran (Forthcoming) [abstract] |
10. | H. Vahid Faith: Intention to Form Theistic Beliefs International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 93 (2023), 39-50 [abstract] |
11. | H. Vahid No Practical Reasons for Belief: The Epistemic Significance of Practical Considerations Synthese 200 (2022), 1-18 [abstract] |
12. | H. Vahid Doxastic Conservatism Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP) (2021), [abstract] |
13. | H. Vahid The Dispositional Architecture of Epistemic Reasons (Books) [abstract] |
14. | H. Vahid Dispositions and the Problem of the Basing Relation (Books) [abstract] |
15. | H. Vahid Internalism and Externalism (Books) [abstract] |
16. | H. Vahid The noetic effects of sin: a dispositional framework International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 86 (2019), 199-211 [abstract] |
17. | H. Vahid The Dispositional Architecture of Epistemic Reasons Philosophical Studies 176 (2019), 1887-1904 [abstract] |
18. | H. Vahid Religious Diversity: The Cognitive Penetrability of Religious Perception, Faith and Philosophy 35 (2018), [abstract] |
19. | H. Vahid A Reverse Interpretation Model of testimony Acta Analytica 33 (2018), 85-102 [abstract] |
20. | H. Vahid Deontological Conservatism and Perceptual Justification Theoria 83 (2017), 206-224 [abstract] |
21. | H. Vahid Entitlement and the Epistemic Status of Cornerstone Beliefs Grazer Philosophische Studien 94 (2017), 126-137 [abstract] |
22. | H. Vahid A dispositional analysis of propositional and doxastic justification Philosophical Studies 173 (2016), 3133-3152 [abstract] |
23. | H. Vahid Epistemic Normativity: From Direct to Indirect Epistemic Consequentialism (Books) [abstract] |
24. | H. Vahid The Aim of Justification and the Difference-making Principles Acta Analytica 31 (2016), 11-29 [abstract] |
25. | H. Vahid Knowledge Vocabulary for the Study of Religion, Brill Publishers (2015), [abstract] |
26. | H. Vahid On the Significance of Difference-Making Principles Metaphilosophy 46 (2015), 564-574 [abstract] |
27. | H. Vahid Epistemic Akrasia, Higher-order Evidence and Charitable Belief Attribution International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 5 (2015), 296-314 [abstract] |
28. | H. Vahid Some Problems With Steadfast Strategies for Rational Disagreement Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 1 (2014), 89-107 [abstract] |
29. | H. Vahid Cognitive Penetration, the Downgrade Principle, and Extended Cognition Philosophical Issues (Noûs) 24 (2014), 439-459 [abstract] |
30. | H. Vahid Varieties of Pragmatic Encroachment Acta Analytica 29 (2014), 25-41 [abstract] |
31. | H. Vahid Skepticism, A Priori Skepticism and the Possibility of Error International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 3 (2013), 235-252 [abstract] |
32. | H. Vahid Skepticism and the Liberal/Conservative Conceptions of Perceptual Justification International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 3 (2013), 45-61 [abstract] |
33. | H. Vahid The Dogmatism Paradox and the Problem of Misleading Evidence Teorema 31 (2012), 47-57 [abstract] |
34. | H. Vahid Burge on Perceptual Entitlement Metaphilosophy 43 (2012), 187-203 [abstract] |
35. | H. Vahid Skepticism and Varieties of Transcendental Argument Logos & Episteme II (2011), 395-411 [abstract] |
36. | H. Vahid The Concept of Entitlement and its Epistemic Relevance Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 92 (2011), 380-399 [abstract] |
37. | H. Vahid Internalism and Externalism in Epistemology (Books) [abstract] |
38. | H. Vahid Rationalizing Beliefs: Evidential vs. Pragmatic Reasons Synthese 176 (2010), 447-462 [abstract] |
39. | H. Vahid The Epistemology of Belief (Books) [abstract] |
40. | H. Vahid Triangulation, Content and Basing Relation Grazer Philosophische Studien 78 (2009), 231-250 [abstract] |
41. | H. Vahid Alston on Belief and Acceptance in Religious Faith The Heythrop journal 50 (2008), 23-30 [abstract] |
42. | H. Vahid Experience and the Space of Reasons: The Problem of Nondoxastic Justification Erkenntnis 69 (2008), 295-313 [abstract] |
43. | H. Vahid Radical Interpretation and Moore's Paradox Theoria 74 (2008), 146-163 [abstract] Note: For a response to this paper, see: (1) Brueckner, A.: 2009, 'Moore-Paradoxicality and the Principle of Charity', Theoria, 75, 3: 245?247. (2) Williams, J., 2010, 'Moore's Paradox, Defective Interpretation, Justified Belief and Conscious Belief'. Theoria 76 (3):221-248. |
44. | H. Vahid The Puzzle of Fallible Knowledge Metaphilosophy 39 (2008), 325-344 [abstract] |
45. | H. Vahid Varieties of Easy Knowledge Inference: A Resolution Acta Analytica 22 (2007), 223-237 [abstract] |
46. | H. Vahid Aiming at Truth: Doxastic Vs. Epistemic Goals Philosophical Studies 131 (2006), 303-335 [abstract] |
47. | H. Vahid Conceivability and Possibility: Chalmers on Modal Epistemology Philosophical Explorations 9 (2006), 243-261 [abstract] |
48. | H. Vahid Epistemic Justification and the Skeptical Challenge (Books) [abstract] |
49. | H. Vahid Islamic Humanism: From Silence to Extinction Islam and Science 3 (2005), 43-56 [abstract] |
50. | H. Vahid Moore's paradox and Evan's principle: A reply to Williams' Analysis Analysis 65 (2005), 337-341 [abstract] Note: For a response to this paper, see: John Williams.: 2006, ?In defense of an argument for Evans?s principle: a rejoinder to Vahid?, Forthcoming, Analysis, 66.1. |
51. | H. Vahid Varieties of Epistemic Conservatism Synthese 141 (2004), 97-122 [abstract] |
52. | H. Vahid Truth and the Aim of Justification XXII (2004), 93-93 [abstract] |
53. | H. Vahid Doubts about Epistemic Supervenience JPR 29 (2004), 153-172 [abstract] |
54. | H. Vahid Externalism, Slow-switching and Privileged Self-knowledge Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 66 (2003), [abstract] |
55. | H. Vahid Content externalism and internalism/externalism debate in justification theory European Journal of Philosophy 11 (2003), 89-107 [abstract] |
56. | H. Vahid The Nature and Significance of Transcendental Arguments Kant-Studien 93 (2002), 273-290 [abstract] |
57. | H. Vahid Knowledge and varieties of epistemic luck Dialectical 55 (2001), 351-362 [abstract] |
58. | H. Vahid Realism and the epistemological significance of inference to the best explanation Dialogue XL (2001), 487-507 [abstract] |
59. | H. Vahid Charity, supervenience and skepticism Metaphilosophy 32 (2001), 308 [abstract] |
60. | H. Vahid Skepticism and Varieties of Epistemic Universalizability JPR XXVI (2001), [abstract] |
61. | H. Vahid A priori knowledge, experience and defeasibility Int. J. Philos. Stud. 7 (1999), 173-188 [abstract] |
62. | H. Vahid Deontic vs. Nondeontic Conceptions of Epistemic Justification Erkenntnis 49 (1998), 285-301 [abstract] |
63. | H. Vahid The interalism/externalism controversy: the epistemization of an older debate Dialectical 52 (1998), 229-246 [abstract] |
64. | H. Vahid Deductive closure, scepticism and the paradoxes of confirmation Ratio (N. S.) 8 (1995), 70-86 [abstract] Note: For a response to this paper, see: Anthony Brueckner.: 1998, 'Closure and Context', Ratio XI, pp. 78-82. |
65. | H. Vahid Experience and justification: in search of the epistemic pineal gland Philosophica 53 (1994), 91-104 [abstract] |
66. | H. Vahid Experience and belief: Haack on the problem of empirical basis Internat. Stud. Philos. Sci. 8 (1994), 139-146 [abstract] |
67. | H. Vahid Origin subsequent history and necessity Dialectica 48 (1994), 65-73 [abstract] |