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Paper   IPM / Philosophy / 17750
School of Analytic Philosophy
  Title:   Friendship and the grades of doxastic partiality
  Author(s):  Hamid Vahid
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Theoria
  No.:  1
  Vol.:  90
  Year:  2024
  Pages:   122-133
  Supported by:  IPM
It has been claimed that friendship not only involves partial treatment of one's friends but that it also involves some degree of doxastic partiality towards them. Taking these claims as their starting points, some philosophers have argued that friendship not only involves such partiality but that this is also what is normatively required. This gives rise to the possibility of conflict between the demands of friendship on the one hand and the demands of epistemic norms on the other. In this paper, I consider some of the responses to this claim and show why they fail. I distinguish between different grades of doxastic partiality and explain why, although low grades of doxastic partiality fall within the bounds of the standard epistemic norm, the higher grades might infringe such norms. I conclude with an explanation of a fundamental intuition that seems to lie at the heart of the thesis of epistemic partiality.

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