“Papers of School of Physics”


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  1011. A. Shirzad,
Perfect and Imperfect Gauge Fixing,
J. Math. Phys. 48(2007), 082303  [abstract]

   MR hep-th/06091451012. K. Bitaghsir Fadafan and M.R. Garousi,
Non-Abelian Expansion of S-Matrix Elements and Non-Abelian Tachyon DBI,
Nucl. Phys. B 760(2007), 197-220  [abstract]

   MR hep-th/0607249 1013. M.R. Garousi,
Superstring Scattering from O-planes,
Nucl. Phys. B 765(2007), 166-184  [abstract]

   1014. M.R. Garousi,
On the effective action of D-brane-anti-D-brane system,
JHEP 12(2007), 089  [abstract]

   MR arXiv:0710.5469 1015. M. Kargarian, R. Jafari and A. Langari,
Renormalization of Concurrence: The Application of Quantum Renormalization Group to the Quantum Information Systems,
Phys. Rev. A 76(2007), 60304  [abstract]

   MR arXiv:0710.58431016. V. Bashiry and K. Zeynali,
Analysis of the B \rar πl+ l Decay in the Standard Model with Fourth Generation,
JHEP 12(2007), 055  [abstract]

   1017. K. Azizi and V. Bashiry,
QCD Sum Rule Analysis of the Rare Radiative BcDsγ decay,
Phys. Rev. D 76(2007), 114007  [abstract]

   1018. A. Fahmi and M. Golshani,
Transition of D-Level Quantum Systems through Quantum Channels with Correlated Noise,
Phys. Rev. A 75(2007), 042301  [abstract]

   1019. S. Babaei and B. Maraghechi,
Kinetic Description of A Plasma-Loaded Free-Electron Laser,
Phys. Plasmas 14(2007), 053114  [abstract]

   1020. A. R . Rastkar , A.R. Niknam and B. Shokri,
The Effect of Two Surface Treatments on the Tribological Behavior of Gamma-Based Titanium Aluminides,
Plas Proc. Polym. 4(2007), 761-765  [abstract]

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