“Papers of School of Physics”


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  551. N. Csaszar, F. Scholkmann, V. Salari and I. Bokkon,
Phosphene perception is due to ultra-weak photon emission produced in various parts of the visual system: glutamate in the focus,
Rev. Neurosci 27 (3)(2016), 291-299  [abstract]

   552. I. Bokkon, F. Scholkmann, V. Salari, N. Csaszar and G. Kapocs,
Endogenous spontaneous ultra-weak photon emission in the formation of eye-specic retinogeniculate projections before birth,
Rev. Neurosci 27 (4)(2016), 411-419  [abstract]

   553. V. Salari, I. Bokkon, R. Ghobadi, F. Scholkmann and J. Tuszynski,
The Relationship between Intelligence and Spectral Biophoton Emission: Correlation doesn't Imply Causation,
PNAS 113(38)(2016), E5540-E5541  [abstract]

   554. S. Sadeghian and A. Shafiekhani,
Extremal charged Vaidya and its near horizon geometry,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 26(2016), 1750036  [abstract]

   555. S. Sadeghian and H. Yavartanoo,
Black rings in U(1)3 supergravity and their dual 2d CFT,
Classical Quant. Grav. 33(2016), 095006  [abstract]

   556. B. Borgheai and M. Golshani,
A Bergsonian Approach toward Phenomenal Externalism: Rendering Unity,
Filosofiska Notiser 3(2016), 61-78  [abstract]

   557. F. Rahmani, M. Golshani and M. Sarbishei,
A Bohmian approach to the perturbations of non-linear Klein-Gordon equation,
PRAMANA J. Phys. 87(2016), 23  [abstract]

   558. F. Rahmani, M. Golshani and M. Sarbishei,
Deriving relativistic Bohmian quantum potential using variational method and conformal transformations,
PRAMANA J. Phys. 85(2016), 747-761  [abstract]

   559. N. Farkhari, S. Abbasian, A. Moshaii and M. Nikkhah,
Mechanism of Adsorption of Single and Double Stranded DNA on Gold and Silver Nanoparticles: Investigating Some Important Parameters in Bio-sensing Applications,
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 148(2016), 657-664  [abstract]

   560. R. Bahramian, H. Eshghi and A. Moshaii,
Influence of annealing temperature on morphological, optical and UV detection properties of ZnO nanowires grown by chemical bath deposition,
Materials & Design 107(2016), 269-276  [abstract]

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