“Masoumeh Golmohamadian”

IPM Positions

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2024 - Present )

Present Research Project at IPM

- Dynamic reconfiguration of brain networks during perceptual decision-making
- Brain networks in perceptual decision-making

Related Papers

1. MH. Ostadi Varnosfaderani, M. Golmohamadian, A. Bosaghzadeh, S. Hamidi Amiri and R. Ebrahimpour
Compensatory Mechanisms in Non-principal Multimedia Learning: The Interplay of Local and Global Information Processing
 (Preprint) [abstract]
2. M. golmohamadian, F. Faraji, F. Fallah, F. Sharifizadeh and R. Ebrahimpour
Flexibility in choosing decision policies in gathering discrete evidence over time
PLOS ONE (Accepted) [abstract]
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