“Farzad Rostami”


IPM Positions |
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2022 - 2023 ) |
Research Activities |
I have completed my bachelor`s degree in Electrical Engineering with a focus on Electronics, followed by a master`s degree in Electrical Engineering with a specialization in Communication Systems. I obtained a doctorate in biomedical engineering from Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. The interdisciplinary nature of my doctoral program allowed me to gain valuable insights into both physiological and psychological aspects, in addition to advanced mathematical analysis and data processing skills. I have strong programming skills in biological signal processing, specifically in EEG, ERP, and fMRI data analysis. I have extensive experience in preprocessing and processing EEG data for Resting State and Task-based EEG. In fMRI analysis, I have used SPM, FreeSurfer, and FSL software. I am also familiar with EEG-EMG and EEG-fMRI data analysis. I specialize in brain signal acquisition techniques, particularly EEG and fMRI. I have designed various fMRI and EEG tasks using tools like Psychtoolbox and Psychopy. My research interests include biomedical signal processing, artificial neural network, statistical pattern recognition, Neuroeconomics, machine learning, and image processing. Currently, my focus is on investigating the conflict phenomena and risk-taking behavior in individuals with internet addiction disorder. |