“Mohammad Amin Fakharian”

IPM Positions |
Ph.D. Student, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2020 - 2020 ) |
Related Papers |
1. | S. Fayaz, MA. Fakharian and A. Ghazizadeh Stimulus presentation can enhance spiking irregularity across subcortical and cortical regions PloS Comp. Bio. 18 (2022), e1010256 [abstract] |
2. | E. Sedaghat-Nejad, J.S. Pi, P. Hage , MA. Fakharian and R. Shadmehr Synchronous spiking of cerebellar Purkinje cells during control of movements PNAS 119 (2022), e2118954119 [abstract] |
3. | E. Sedaghat-Nejad, M.A. Fakharian, J. Pi, Y. Kojima, R. Soedtedjo, J. Medina and R. Shadmehr P-sort: an open-source software for cerebellar neurophysiology Journal of Neurophysiology (2021), [abstract] |