“Mohammad Hossein Nadian”


IPM Positions |
PostDoctoral Associate, School of Cognitive Sciences
Research Activities |
Image Processing of Visual Scene and Transfer to an Implantable Multi-electrode Array in Visual Cortex. |
Related Papers |
1. | H. Shahbeik, A. Shafizadeh, MH. Nadian, D. Jeddi, SA. Mirjalili, Y. Yang, S. Shiung. Lam, J. Pan, M. Tabatabaei and M. Aghbashlo Using evolutionary machine learning to characterize and optimize co-pyrolysis of biomass feedstocks and polymeric wastes Journal of Cleaner Production 387 (2023), 135881 [abstract] |
2. | A. Shafizadeh, H. Shahbeik, M.H. Nadian, V.K. Gupta, A.S. Nizami, S.S. Lam, W. Peng, J. Pan, M. Tabatabaei and M. Aghbashlo Turning hazardous volatile matter compounds into fuel by catalytic steam reforming: An evolutionary machine learning approach Journal of Cleaner Production 413 (2023), 137329 [abstract] |
3. | A. Narmashiri, M. Abbaszadeh, M. Nadian and A. Ghazizadeh Value-based search efficiency is encoded in substantia nigra reticulata firing rate, spiking irregularity and local field potential Journal of Neuroscience (2023), [abstract] |
4. | M. Nadian, S. Farmani and A. Ghazizadeh A novel methodology for exact targeting of human and non-human primate brain structures and skull implants using atlas-based 3D reconstruction ScienceDirect 391 (2023), [abstract] |
5. | A. Shafizadeh, H. Shahbeig, MH. Nadian, H. Mobli, M. Dowlati, G. Vijai Kumar, W. Peng, S. Lam, M. Tabatabaei and M. Aghbashlo Machine learning predicts and optimizes hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass Chem. Eng. J. 445 (2022), 136579 [abstract] |
6. | M. Aghbashlo , F. Almasi , A. Jafari, M.H. Nadian, S. Soltanian , S. Lam and M. Tabatabaei Describing biomass pyrolysis kinetics using a generic hybrid intelligent model: A critical stage in sustainable waste-oriented biorefineries Renewable Energy 170 (2021), 81-91 [abstract] |