“Shima Seyed-Allaei”


IPM Positions |
PostDoctoral Associate, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2018 - Present ) |
Past IPM Positions |
Non Resident Researcher, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2012 - 2014) |
Related Papers |
1. | M. Abbaszadeh, G. Hossein-Zadeh, S. Seyed-Allaei and M. Vaziri-Pashkam Disturbance of Information in Superior Parietal Lobe during Dual-task Interference in a Simulated Driving task Cortex (2023), [abstract] |
2. | M. Abbas-Zadeh, G. Hossein-Zadeh, S. Seyed-Allaei and M. Vaziri-Pashkam Dual-task interference disturbs information in superior parietal lobe in a simulated driving task Basic and Clinical Neuroscience (2020), [abstract] |
3. | M. Abbas-Zadeh, G. Hossein-Zadeh, S. Seyed-Allaei and M. Vaziri-Pashkam Disturbance of Information in Superior Parietal Lobe during Dual-task Interference in a Simulated Driving task bioRxiv (Preprint) [abstract] |
4. | M. Allegra, S. Seyed-Allaei, N. Schuck, D. Amati, A. Laio and C. Reverberi Brain network dynamics during spontaneous strategy shifts and incremental task optimization NeuroImage (2020), 1-45 [abstract] |
5. | C. Reverberi, A. Kuhlen, S. Seyed-Allaei, R. Greulich, A. Costa, J. Abutalebi and J. Haynes The neural basis of free language choice in bilingual speakers: Disentangling language choice and language execution NeuroImage 177 (2018), 108-116 [abstract] |
6. | S. Seyed-Allaei, Z. Nasiri Avanaki, B. Bahrami and T. Shallice Major Thought Restructuring: the roles of different prefrontal cortical regions Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 7 (2017), 1147-1161 [abstract] |
7. | A. Langus, S. Seyed-Allaei, E. Uysal, S. Pirmoradian, C. Marino, S. Asaadi, O. Eren, J.M. Toro, M. Pena , R.A. Bion and M. Nespor Listening Natively Across Perceptual Domains? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 42 (2016), 1127-39 [abstract] |
8. | H. Marno, A. Langus, M. Omidbeigi, S. Asaadi, S. Seyed-Allaei and M. Nespor A new perspective on word order preferences: the availability of a lexicon triggers the use of SVO word order Frontiers in Psychology 6 (2015), 1-9 [abstract] |