“Neda Afzalian”


IPM Positions |
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2020 - Present ) |
Present Research Project at IPM |
- Relationship between place selectivity, sulcal depth and cortical myelination in human visual cortex - Decoding visual action categories from neural activity patterns |
Related Papers |
1. | H. Marefat, Z. Vahabi, N. Afzalian, M. Khanbagi, H. Karimi, F. Ebrahiminia, C. Kalafatis, M. Modarres and S. Khaligh-Razavi Brain Representation of Animal and Non-Animal Images in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease J Alzheimers Dis Rep . 7 (2023), [abstract] |
2. | N. Afzalian and R. Rajimehr Spatially Adjacent Regions in Posterior Cingulate Cortex Represent Familiar Faces at Different Levels of Complexity Journal of Neuroscience 41 (2021), [abstract] |