“Mohammad Reza Tanhayi Ahari”

Tel:  +98 21 22825050
Fax:  +98 21 22835058

IPM Positions

Long Term Visitor, School of Nano Science
(2025 - Present )

Past IPM Positions

Long Term Visitor, School of Physics
(2024 - 2025)
Resident Researcher, School of Physics
(2014 - 2022)

Related Papers

1. F. Khorasania, R. Pirmoradian and M.R. Tanhayi
Position dependence of Nielsen complexity for the Thermofield double state
Phys. Lett. B 851 (2024), 138585  [abstract]
arXive.org link: 2308.15836 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P-2024/24
2. R. Pirmoradian and M.R. Tanhayi
Symmetry-Resolved Entanglement Entropy for Local and Non-local QFTs
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity, Report (Preprint) [abstract]
arXive.org link: 2311.00494 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P-2024/23
3. R. Pirmoradian and M.R. Tanhayi
On the Complexity of a Charged Quantum Oscillator
Journal of the Korean Physical Society 102 (2020), 77  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P-2020/050
4. M.R. Tanhayi, R. Vazirian and S. Khoeini-Moghaddam
Complexity Growth Following Multiple Shocks
Phys. Lett. B 790 (2018), 49-57  [abstract]
arXive.org link: 1809.05044 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P-2018/066 Note: 10 March 2019
5. M.R. Tanhayi
On universal terms of holographic entanglement entropy in theories with hyperscaling violation
Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018), 106008  [abstract]
arXive.org link: 1711.10526 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P-2017/063
6. M.R. Tanhayi
Thermalization of mutual information in hyperscaling violating backgrounds
JHEP 03 (2017), 202  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P-2017/083
7. M.R. Tanhayi and R. Vazirian
Higher-curvature Corrections to Holographic Entanglement with Momentum Dissipation
 (Preprint) [abstract]
arXive.org link: 1610.08080 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P-2016/034
8. S. Mirabi, M. Reza Tanhayi and R. Vazirian
On the Monogamy of Holographic n-partite Information
Phys. Rev. D 93 (2016), 104049  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P-2016/006
9. M. Alishahiha, M.R. Mohammadi Mozaffar and M.R. Tanhayi
On the time evolution of holographic n-partite information
JHEP 09 (2015), 165  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P-2015/083
10. M.R. Tanhayi
Particle Creation in Global de Sitter Space: Bulk Space Consideration
IJMPD 24 (2014), 1550052  [abstract]
Code: IPM/P-2014/041
11. M. Alishahiha, M.R. Mohammadi Mozaffar and M.R. Tanhayi
On Thermalization of n-partite Information After a Global Quantum Quench
 (Preprint) [abstract]
Code: IPM/P-2014/026
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