“Mehdi Behroozi”


IPM Positions |
Non Resident Researcher, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2012 - 2015 ) |
Related Papers |
1. | B. Parhizi, M.R. Daliri and M. Behroozi Decoding the different states of visual attention using functional and effective connectivity features in fMRI data Cognitive Neurodynamics (2017), [abstract] |
2. | M. Behroozi, M.R. Daliri and B. Shekarchi EEG phase patterns reflect the representation of semantic categories of objects Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (2015), 1-17 [abstract] |
3. | M. Behrouzi, M.R. Daliri and B. Shekarchi EEG phase patterns reflect the representation of semantic categories of objects Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (2015), 1-17 [abstract] |
4. | M. Behroozi and M.R. Daliri Predicting brain states associated with object categories from fMRI data Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 13 (2014), 1-23 [abstract] |
5. | M. Behroozi and M.R. Daliri RDLPFC area of the brain encodes sentence polarity: a study using fMRI Brain Imaging and Behavior (2014), 1-12 [abstract] |
6. | M.R. Daliri and M. Behroozi Decoding the human cognitive states related to the negative and positive sentences: study using fMRI ( In: 2nd Neuroscience conference, December 18-20, 2013) [abstract] |
7. | S. Tabrik, M.R. Daliri and M. Behroozi White Matter lesions detection in MR images using Fuzzy Algorithms ( In: 2nd Neuroscience conference, December 18-20, 2013) [abstract] |
8. | S. Tabrik, M.R. Daliri and M. Behroozi Predict the gender of speakers using cepstrum analysis and supporte vector machine ( In: 2nd Neuroscience conference, December 18-20, 2013) [abstract] |