“Sajjad Zabbah”


IPM Positions

PostDoctoral Associate, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2020 - Present
(from 2012 to 2014 as non-resident researcher))

Research Activities

I did my master in electronic engineering and worked on different object recognition models. I got interested to understand how the brain, this most complex matter in the universe, makes decision. I am following my interest in the brain mechanism of decision making in my PhD thesis. Under supervision of Dr. Reza Ebrahimpour and Dr. Roozbeh Kiani, I am investigating the process of decision making when the environment requires the brain to actively seek evidence.

Related Papers

1. S. Majidpour, M. Sanayei, R. Ebrahimpour and S. Zabbah
Better than expected performance effect depends on the spatial location of visual stimulus
Scientific Reports 15 (2025),   [abstract]
2. N. Sadeghnejad, M. Ezoji, R. Ebrahimpour, M. Qodosi and S. Zabbah
A fully spiking coupled model of a deep neural network and a recurrent attractor explains dynamics of decision making in an object recognition task
Journal of Neural Engineering 21 (2024),   [abstract]
3. N. Sadeghnejad, M. Ezoji, R. Ebrahimpour and S. Zabbah
Resolving the neural mechanism of core object recognition in space and time: A computational approach
Neuroscience Research 190 (2023), 36-50  [abstract]
4. J. Esmaily, S. Zabbah, R. Ebrahimpour and B. Bahrami
Interpersonal alignment of neural evidence accumulation to social exchange of confidence
eLife (2023), 12  [abstract]
5. J. Esmaily, S. Zabbah, R. Ebrahimpour and B. Bahrami
Interpersonal alignment of neural evidence accumulation to social exchange of confidence
eLife 12 (2023),   [abstract]
6. S. Zabbah, A. Mirzaei, A. Valizadeh and R. Ebrahimpour
Excitatory deep brain stimulation quenches beta oscillations arising in a computational model of the subthalamo-pallidal loop
Scientific Reports 12 (2022),   [abstract]
7. H. Heidari-Gorji, R. Ebrahimpour and S. Zabbah
A temporal hierarchical feedforward model explains both the time and the accuracy of object recognition
Scientific Reports (2021),   [abstract]
8. R. Eghdam, R. Ebrahimpour, I. Zabbah and S. Zabbah
Inherent Importance of Early Visual Features in Attraction of Human Attention
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2020 (2020), 15  [abstract]
9. M. Tohidi-Moghaddam, S. Zabbah, F. Olianezhad and R. Ebrahimpour
Sequence-dependent sensitivity explains the accuracy of decisions when cues are separated with a gap
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 81 (2019),   [abstract]
10. F. Olianejad, S. Zabbah, M. Tohidi and R. Ebrahimpour
Residual Information of Previous Decision Affects Evidence Accumulation in Current Decision
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (2019),   [abstract]
11. H. Heidari-Gorji, S. Zabbah, M. Akhavan, N. Bagheri and R. Ebrahimpour
STDP based HAMX behavior in response to homogeneous and heterogeneous categories
( In: Bernstein Conference 2015)
12. S. zabbah, K. Rajaei, A. Mirzaei, R. Ebrahimpour and M. Khaligh-Razavi
The impact of the lateral geniculate nucleus and corticogeniculate interactions on efficient coding and higher-order visual object processing
Vision Research 101 (2014), 82-93  [abstract]
13. . Mirzaei, . Khaligh-Razavi, . Ghodrati, . Zabbah and . Ebrahimpour
Predicting the human reaction time based on natural image statistics in a rapid categorization task
Vision Research 81 (2013), 36-44  [abstract]
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