“Sajjad Zabbah”


IPM Positions |
PostDoctoral Associate, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2020 - Present (from 2012 to 2014 as non-resident researcher)) |
Research Activities |
I did my master in electronic engineering and worked on different object recognition models. I got interested to understand how the brain, this most complex matter in the universe, makes decision. I am following my interest in the brain mechanism of decision making in my PhD thesis. Under supervision of Dr. Reza Ebrahimpour and Dr. Roozbeh Kiani, I am investigating the process of decision making when the environment requires the brain to actively seek evidence. |
Related Papers |
1. | S. Majidpour, M. Sanayei, R. Ebrahimpour and S. Zabbah Better than expected performance effect depends on the spatial location of visual stimulus Scientific Reports 15 (2025), [abstract] |
2. | N. Sadeghnejad, M. Ezoji, R. Ebrahimpour, M. Qodosi and S. Zabbah A fully spiking coupled model of a deep neural network and a recurrent attractor explains dynamics of decision making in an object recognition task Journal of Neural Engineering 21 (2024), [abstract] |
3. | N. Sadeghnejad, M. Ezoji, R. Ebrahimpour and S. Zabbah Resolving the neural mechanism of core object recognition in space and time: A computational approach Neuroscience Research 190 (2023), 36-50 [abstract] |
4. | J. Esmaily, S. Zabbah, R. Ebrahimpour and B. Bahrami Interpersonal alignment of neural evidence accumulation to social exchange of confidence eLife (2023), 12 [abstract] |
5. | J. Esmaily, S. Zabbah, R. Ebrahimpour and B. Bahrami Interpersonal alignment of neural evidence accumulation to social exchange of confidence eLife 12 (2023), [abstract] |
6. | S. Zabbah, A. Mirzaei, A. Valizadeh and R. Ebrahimpour Excitatory deep brain stimulation quenches beta oscillations arising in a computational model of the subthalamo-pallidal loop Scientific Reports 12 (2022), [abstract] |
7. | H. Heidari-Gorji, R. Ebrahimpour and S. Zabbah A temporal hierarchical feedforward model explains both the time and the accuracy of object recognition Scientific Reports (2021), [abstract] |
8. | R. Eghdam, R. Ebrahimpour, I. Zabbah and S. Zabbah Inherent Importance of Early Visual Features in Attraction of Human Attention Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2020 (2020), 15 [abstract] |
9. | M. Tohidi-Moghaddam, S. Zabbah, F. Olianezhad and R. Ebrahimpour Sequence-dependent sensitivity explains the accuracy of decisions when cues are separated with a gap Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 81 (2019), [abstract] |
10. | F. Olianejad, S. Zabbah, M. Tohidi and R. Ebrahimpour Residual Information of Previous Decision Affects Evidence Accumulation in Current Decision Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (2019), [abstract] |
11. | H. Heidari-Gorji, S. Zabbah, M. Akhavan, N. Bagheri and R. Ebrahimpour STDP based HAMX behavior in response to homogeneous and heterogeneous categories ( In: Bernstein Conference 2015) [abstract] |
12. | S. zabbah, K. Rajaei, A. Mirzaei, R. Ebrahimpour and M. Khaligh-Razavi The impact of the lateral geniculate nucleus and corticogeniculate interactions on efficient coding and higher-order visual object processing Vision Research 101 (2014), 82-93 [abstract] |
13. | . Mirzaei, . Khaligh-Razavi, . Ghodrati, . Zabbah and . Ebrahimpour Predicting the human reaction time based on natural image statistics in a rapid categorization task Vision Research 81 (2013), 36-44 [abstract] |