“Ali Gholipour”

IPM Positions |
Non-IPM Student Researcher, School of Cognitive Sciences
Related Papers |
1. | A. Gholipour, C. Lucas , BN. Araabi , M. Mirmomeni and M. Shafiee Extracting the main patterns of natural time series for long-term neurofuzzy prediction Neural Computing and Applications 16 (2007), 383-393 [abstract] |
2. | A. Gholipour, B. Nadjar Araabi and C. Lucas Predicting Chaotic Time Series Using Neural and Neurofuzzy Models: A Comparative Study Neural Processing Letters 24 (2006), 217-239 [abstract] |
3. | C. Lucas, A. Abbaspour, A. Gholipour and B. Nadjar Araabi Enhancing the Performance of Neurofuzzy Predictors by Emotional Learning Algorithm Informatica 27 (2003), 165-174 [abstract] |