“Sajed Tayebi”

Tel: (+9821)2310 ext. 2137

IPM Positions |
Faculty Member , School of Analytic Philosophy
(2019 - Present ) |
Past IPM Positions |
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Analytic Philosophy
(2014 - 2019) Ph.D. Student, School of Analytic Philosophy (2008 - 2014) |
Related Papers |
1. | S. Tayebi Against Kripke on Unrestricted Exportation Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 59 (2020), 145-156 [abstract] |
2. | S. Tayebi In defense of the unification argument for predicativism Linguistics and Philosophy 41 (2018), 557-576 [abstract] |
3. | S. Tayebi Indexicality, Agency, and Opacity: In Defense of the Received View Analytic Philosophy 57 (2016), 236-246 [abstract] |
4. | S. Tayebi Recanati on Communication of First-person Thoughts Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 1 (2012), 210-218 [abstract] |