“Alireza Akhundi Asl”


IPM Positions |
Non Resident Researcher, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2005 - 2008 ) |
Related Papers |
1. | P. Bahman Bijari, A. Akhondi Asl and H. Soltanianzadeh Three-dimensional coupled-object segmentation using symmetry and tissue type information Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 34 (2010), 236-249 [abstract] |
2. | E. Mahmoudi, A.R. Akhondi Asl, R. Rahmani, S. Faghih Roohi, V. Taimouri, A. Sabouri and H. Soltanianzadeh Web-based interactive 2D/3D medical image processing and visualization software Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 98 (2010), 172-182 [abstract] |
3. | A.R. Akhondi-Asl and H. Soltanian-Zadeh Effect of Number of Coupled Structures on the Segmentation of Brain Structures VLSI Signal Processing Systems 54 (2009), 215?230 [abstract] |
4. | A. Akhondi-Asl and H. Soltanianzadeh Effect of the Number of Coupled Structures on the Segmentation of Brain Structures from MRI ( In: Presented at and Published in the Proceedings of the 16th Iranian Conference on Elec. Eng. (ICEE?08), Tehran, Iran, May 13-15, 2008) [abstract] |
5. | A. Akhondi-Asl and H. Soltanianzadeh Constrained Optimization of Nonparametric Entropy-Based Segmentation of Brain Structures ( In: Presented at and Published in the Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI?08), Paris, France, May 14-17, 2008) [abstract] |
6. | P. Bahman Bijari, A. Akhundi Asl and H. Soltanian-Zadeh Interactive Coupled Object Segmentation Using Symmetry and Distance Constraints ( In: Cairo international Biomedical Engineering Conference) [abstract] |