“Rouzbeh Kiani”


IPM Positions |
Non Resident Researcher, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2003 - 2004 ) |
Related Papers |
1. | MR. A.Dehaqani, A-H. Vahabie, R. Kiani, M. Ahmadabadi, B. Araabi and H. Esteky Temporal dynamics of visual category representation in the macaque inferior temporal cortex Journal of Neurophysiology 116 (2016), 587-601 [abstract] |
2. | S. Lehky, R. Kiani, H. Esteky and K. Tanaka Dimensionality of object representations in monkey inferotemporal cortex Neural Computation 26 (2014), 2135-2162 [abstract] |
3. | R. Lehky, R. Kiani, H. Esteky and K. Tanaka Statistics of visual responses in primate inferotemporal cortex to object stimuli Neurophysiology 106 (2011), 1097-1117 [abstract] |
4. | N. Kriegeskorte, M. Mur, D. Ruff, R. Kiani, J. Bodurka, H. Esteky, K. Tanaka and P. Bandettini Matching categorical object representations in inferior temporal cortex of man and monkey journal neuron 60 (2008), 1126-1141 [abstract] |
5. | R. Kiani, H. Esteky, K. Mirpour and K. Tanaka Object Category Structure in Response Patterns of Neuronal Population in Monkey Inferior Temporal Cortex J NEUROPHYSIOL 97 (2007), 4296-309 [abstract] |
6. | S.R. Afraz, R. Kiani and H. Esteky Microstimulation of inferotemporal cortex influences face categorization Nature 442 (2006), 692-695 [abstract] |
7. | R. Kiani, H. Esteky and K. Tanaka Hierarchical Representation of Object Categories in Monkey Inferotemporal Cortex ( In: US Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience) [abstract] |
8. | R. Farazifard, R. Kiani and H. Esteky Effects of GABAA receptor inhibition on response properties of barrel cortical neurons in C-Fiber depleted rats Brain Research 1050 (2005), 27-32 [abstract] |
9. | R. Kiani, H. Esteky and K. Tanaka Differences in Onset Latency of Macaque Inferotemporal Neural Responses to Primate and Non-primate Faces J NEUROPHYSIOL 94 (2005), 1587-1596 [abstract] |
10. | R. Farazifard, R. Kiani and H. Esteky Effects of Neonatal C-fiber Depletion on the Integration of Paired-whisker Inputs in Rat Barrel Cortex Experimental Brain Research 162 (2005), 115-121 [abstract] |
11. | M. Vaziri Pashkam, S.R. Afraz, R. Kiani and H. Esteky Motion-induced overestimation ( In: European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP)) [abstract] |
12. | S.R. Afraz, M. Vaziri pashkam, R. Kiani and H. Esteky Motion induced overestimation of the number of items in a display Perception 33 (2004), 915-925 [abstract] |
13. | R. Kiani, R. Farazifard, S.M. Noorbakhsh Ahangar Kalani and H. Esteky Effects of neonatal C-fiber depletion on discrimination of principal and adjacent whisker stimulation within rat individual cortical barrels Brain Research (2004), 129-135 [abstract] |
14. | R. Kiani, H. Esteky and K. Tanaka Short Latency Category Specific Neural Responses to Human Faces in Macaque Inferotemporal Cortex ( In: SFN) [abstract] |