“Golbarg Tarighat Saber”

IPM Positions |
Non Resident Researcher, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2003 - 2005 ) |
Related Papers |
1. | R. Nilipour, S. Clarke, B. Noudoost, G. Tarighat Saber and A. Najlerahim Selective Deficits in Human Audition: Evidence from Lesion Studies ( In: FAONS) [abstract] |
2. | R. Nilipour, G. Tarighat Saber and B. Noudoost Implicit Use of Semantic Auditory Information in Auditory Associative Agnosia ( In: 12th World Congress of Psychophysiology, The Olympics of the Brain) [abstract] |
3. | R. Nilipour, S. Clarke, B. Noudoost, G. Tarighat Saber and A. Najllerahim Response time as an index for selective auditory cognitive deficits ACTA Neurobiologiae Experimentalis (2004), 163-170 [abstract] |