“Babak Nadjar Araabi”


IPM Positions |
Non Resident Researcher, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2002 - Present ) |
Related Papers |
1. | A. Sarabi-Jamab and Babak. Nadjar Arabi An information-based approach to handle various types of uncertainty in fuzzy bodies of evidence Plos One (2020), 1-13 [abstract] |
2. | A. Mazaheri, H. Memarian, B. Tokhmechi and B. Nadjar Araabi Cell size optimization for fracture measure estimation in multi-scale studies within oil wells CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES (2019), 261-272 [abstract] |
3. | E. Ebrahimzadeh, H. Soltanian-Zadeh, B. NadjarAraabi, S. HashemiFesharaki and J. MehvariHabibabadi Component-related BOLD response to localize epileptic focus using simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings at 3T Journal of Neuroscience Methods 322 (2019), 34-49 [abstract] |
4. | S. Masoudnia, O. Mersa, BN. Araabi, A-H. Vahabie, MA. Sadeghi and MN. Ahmadabadi Multi-Representational Learning for Offline Signature Verification using Multi-Loss Snapshot Ensemble of CNNs Expert Systems with Applications (2019), [abstract] |
5. | A. Sarabi-Jamab and B. Araabi How to decide when the sources of evidence are unreliable: A multi-criteria discounting approach in the Dempster-Shafer theory Information Sciences 448-449 (2018), 233-248 [abstract] |
6. | A-H. Vahabie, MR. A.Dehaqani, M. Nili, B. Araabi and H. Esteky Rapid face adaptation distributes representation in inferior-temporal cortex across time and neuronal dimensions Scientific Reports 7 (2017), 1-13 [abstract] |
7. | A. Sarabi-Jamab and B. Araabi Information-Based Evaluation of Approximation Methods in Dempster-Shafer Theory International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 24 (2016), 503-535 [abstract] |
8. | MR. A.Dehaqani, A-H. Vahabie, R. Kiani, M. Ahmadabadi, B. Araabi and H. Esteky Temporal dynamics of visual category representation in the macaque inferior temporal cortex Journal of Neurophysiology 116 (2016), 587-601 [abstract] |
9. | A. Sarabi-Jamab and B. Arabi PiLiMoT: A Modified Combination of LoLiMoT and PLN Learning Algorithms for Local Linear Neurofuzzy Modeling Journal of Control Science and Engineering 211 (2015), 1-10 [abstract] |
10. | Z. Sadeghi, B. Nadjar Araabi and M. Nili Ahmadabadi A Computational Approach towards Visual Object Recognition at Taxonomic Levels of Concepts Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2015 (2015), 1-10 [abstract] |
11. | A. Mousavi, B. Araabi and M. Niliahmadabadi Context Transfer and Q-Transferable Tasks ( In: Knowledge, Skill, and Behavior Transfer in Autonomous Robots: Papers from the 2015 AAAI Workshop) [abstract] |
12. | K. Fouladi and B. Araabi Toward automatic development of handwritten personal Farsi/Arabic OpenType fonts IJDAR 18 (2015), 249-269 [abstract] |
13. | A. Kalhor, B. Araabi and C. Lucas Generating flexible convex hyper-polygon validity regions viasigmoid-based membership functions in TS modeling Applied Soft Computing 28 (2015), 589-598 [abstract] |
14. | A. Mousavi, B. Araabi and M. Niliahmadabadi Context transfer in reinforcement learning using Action-Value functions Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 428567 (2014), 1-10 [abstract] |
15. | K. Fouladi, B. Araabi and E. Kabir A fast and accurate contour-based method for writer-dependent offline handwritten Farsi/Arabic subwords recognition IJDAR 17 (2014), 181-203 [abstract] |
16. | M.H. Zokaei Ashtiani, M. Nili Ahmad Abadi and B. Nadjar Araabi Bandit-based local feature subset selection Neurocomputing 138 (2014), 371-382 [abstract] |
17. | Z. Sadeghi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and B. Nadjar Araabi Unsupervised Categorization of Objects into Artificial and Natural Superordinate Classes Using Features from Low-Level Vision International Journal of Image processing (IJIP) 7 (2013), 339-352 [abstract] |
18. | H. Hajimirsadeghi, M. Nili Ahmad Abadi and B. Araabi Conceptual Imitation Learning Based on Perceptual and Functional Characteristics of Action IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTONOMOUS MENTAL DEVELOPMENT 5 (2013), 311-325 [abstract] |
19. | A. Kalhor, B. Araabi and C. Lucas Evolving Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model based on switching to neighboring models Applied Soft Computing 13 (2013), 939-946 [abstract] |
20. | A. Sarabi-Jamab, B. Araabi and T. Augustin Information-based dissimilarity assessment in Dempster-Shafer theory Knowledge-Based Systems 54 (2013), 114-127 [abstract] |
21. | A. Kalhor, B. Araabi and C. Lucas Online extraction of main linear trends for nonlinear time-varying processes Information Sciences 220 (2013), 22-33 [abstract] |
22. | H. Jamalabadi, H. Nasrollahi, M.N. Ahmadabadi, B.N. Araabi, A-H. Vahabie and MR. A.Dehaqani A dynamic bio-inspired model of categorization. In International Conference on Neural Information Processing ( In: In International Conference on Neural Information Processing (pp. 160-167). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (2012, November)) [abstract] |
23. | H. Soleimani, C. Lucas, B. Araabi and L. Schwabe Adaptive prediction of epileptic seizures from intracranial recordings Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012), 456-464 [abstract] |
24. | R. Bakhtiari, N. Zürcher, O. Rogier, B. Russo, L. Hippolyte, C. Granziera, B. Nadjar Araabi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and N. Hadjikhani Differences in white matter reflect atypical developmental trajectory in autism: A Tract-based Spatial Statistics study NeuroImage 1 (2012), 48-56 [abstract] |
25. | R. Bakhtiari, N. Mohammadi Sephavand, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, B. Nadjar Araabi and H. Esteky Computational model of excitatory/inhibitory ratio imbalance role in attention deficit disorders Journal of Computational Neuroscience 33 (2012), 389-404 [abstract] |
26. | H. Soleimani, C. Lucas and B. Nadjar Arabi Fast evolving neuro-fuzzy model and its application in online classification and time series prediction Pattern Analysis and Applications 15 (2012), 279-288 [abstract] |
27. | M. Mirian, B. Nadjar Aarabi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and R. Siegwart Metal: A framework for mixture of experts task and attention learning Intelligent and Fuzzy System 23 (2012), 111-128 [abstract] |
28. | M. Mirian, M. Niliahmadabadi, B. Nadjar Arabi and R. Siegwart Learning active fusion of multiple expertsâ decisions: An attention-based approach Neural Computation 23 (2011), 558-591 [abstract] |
29. | E. Norouzi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and B. Nadjar Arabi Attention control with reinforcement learning for face recognition under partial occlusion Machine Vision & Applications 22 (2011), 337-348 [abstract] |
30. | A. Borji, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and B. Araabi Cost-sensitive learning of top-down modulation for attentional control Machine Vision & Applications 22 (2011), 61-76 [abstract] |
31. | N. Tajbakhsh, B. Nadjararabi and H. Soltanian zadeh Robust iris verification based on local and global variations Advances in Signal Processing 2010 (2010), 1-12 [abstract] |
32. | A.M. Farahmand, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, C. Lucas and B. Arabi Interaction of culture-based learning and cooperative co-evolution and its application to automatic behavior-based system design IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 14 (2010), 23-57 [abstract] |
33. | A. Borji, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, B. Nadjar Arabi and M. Hamidi Online learning of task-driven object-based visual attention control Image and Vision Computing 28 (2010), 1130-1145 [abstract] |
34. | M. Mirmomeni, C. Lucas, M. Shafiee, B. Nadjar Arabi and E. Kamaliha Fuzzy descriptor systems and spectral analysis for chaotic time series prediction Neural Computing & Applications (2009), 991-1004 [abstract] |
35. | M. Harandi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and B. Arabi Optimal Local Basis: A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Face Recognition Computer Vision 81 (2009), 191-204 [abstract] |
36. | A. Borji, M. Nilli Ahmadabadi and B. Nadjar Araabi Learning Sequential Visual Attetion Control Through Dynamic State Space Descritization ( In: ICRA 09, Kobe, Japan,) [abstract] |
37. | M. Azizur Rahman, R. Milasi, C. Lucas, B. Nadjar Arabi and T. Radwan Implementation of emotional controller for interior permanent-magnet synchronous motor drive IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 44 (2008), 1466-1476 [abstract] |
38. | T. Shahbazi, C. Lucas, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and B. Arabi Learning decision fusion in concept learning using population based incremental learning (PBIL) ( In: 2nd Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Tehran, Iran, 2008) [abstract] |
39. | T. Shahbazi, B. Arabi and M. Nili Reinforcement-based Belief Revision: A General Mechanism for Incremental Learning of Belief Mass from Negative and Positive Feedback ( In: 2nd Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Tehran, Iran, 2008) [abstract] |
40. | N. Tajbakhsh, B. Nadjar Arabi and H. Soltanianzadeh Feature Fusion as a Practical Solution toward Noncooperative Iris Recognition ( In: Presented at and Published in the Proceeding of the 11th International Conference on Information Fusion, Cologne, Germany, June 30-July 3, 2008) [abstract] |
41. | A. Borji, M. Nilli Ahmadabadi and B. Nadjar Araabi Learning Object-based Attention Control ( In: NIPS workshop on ) [abstract] |
42. | A. Borji, M. Nilli and B. Araabi Interactive Learning of Top-down Attention Control and Motor Actions ( In: IROS workshop on ?From motor to interaction learning in robots) [abstract] |
43. | A. Borji, M. Nilli Ahmadabadi and B. Nadjar Araabi Learning top-down Feature Based Attention Control ( In: ECCV Workshop on Vision in Action: Efficient Strategies for Cognitive Agents in Complex Environments) [abstract] |
44. | A. Arami, B. Nadjar Arabi, C. Lucas and M. Nili Ahmadabadi Learning cluster type and dissimilarity metric for each cluster using a set of possible cluster types Computer Science & Engineering 5 (2007), 33-45 [abstract] |
45. | B. Nadjar Arabi, S. Mastoureshgh and M. Nili Ahmadabadi A study on expertise of agents and its effects on cooperative Q-learning IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 37 (2007), 398-409 [abstract] |
46. | R. Bakhtiari, B. Nadjar Arabi and B. Nili Ahmadabadi A cooperative learning approach to mixed performance controller design: a behavioural viewpoint Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 2 (2007), 137-160 [abstract] |
47. | T. Shahbazi, B. Nadjar Arabi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and C. Lucas Modeling Sensor Reliabilities in the Belief Functions Framework for Learning by Evolutionary Algorithms ( In: 1st Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Mashhad, Iran, 2007 ) [abstract] |
48. | T. Shahbazi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and B. Nadjar Arabi Concept Learning using Reinforcement Learning Based on Evidence theory ( In: 1st Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Mashhad, Iran, 2007 ) [abstract] |
49. | H. Mobahi, M. Ahmadabadi and B. Araabi A biologically inspired method for conceptual imitation using reinforcement learning Applied Artificial Intelligence 21 (2007), 155 - 183 [abstract] |
50. | A. Gholipour, C. Lucas , BN. Araabi , M. Mirmomeni and M. Shafiee Extracting the main patterns of natural time series for long-term neurofuzzy prediction Neural Computing and Applications 16 (2007), 383-393 [abstract] |
51. | H. Mobahi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and B. Nadjar Arabi Swarm contours: A fast self-organization approach for snake initialization Applied Artificial Intelligence 12 (2006), 41-52 [abstract] |
52. | A. Gholipour, B. Nadjar Araabi and C. Lucas Predicting Chaotic Time Series Using Neural and Neurofuzzy Models: A Comparative Study Neural Processing Letters 24 (2006), 217-239 [abstract] |
53. | M. Nili Ahmadabadi, A. Imanipour, B. Nadjar Araabi, M. Asadpour and R. Siegwart Knowledge-based extraction of area of expertise for cooperation in learning ( In: The 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems) [abstract] |
54. | A. Harati, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and B. Nadjar Araabi Knowledge Based Multiagent Credit Assignment: A Study on task Type and Critic Information Intelligent Automation and Soft Computi 12 (2006), 1-21 [abstract] |
55. | A. Poursaberi and B. Nadjar Araabi Iris Recognition for Partially Occluded Images: Methodology and Sensitivity Analysis EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing 2006 (2006), 1-12 [abstract] |
56. | C. Lucas and B. Nadjar Araabi Hierarchical Image Segmentation Using Ant Colony and Chemical Computing Approach Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3611 (2005), 1250-1258 [abstract] |
57. | A. Farahmand, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and B. Nadjar Araabi Behavior Hierarchy Learning in a Behavior-based System using Reinforcement Learning ( In: IROS 2004) [abstract] |
58. | A. Abbaspour, A. Gholipour, C. Lucas, B. Nadjar Araabi and M. Fatourechi Multi Objective Emotional Learning Based Fuzzy Inference System ( In: WSEAS Transactions on System) [abstract] |
59. | S.M.R. Mirfattah, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and B. Nadjar Araabi Episode and Q-cell sharing Among Heterogeneous Q-Learning Agents: A Cooperative Learning Strategy ( In: IROS-03 Workshop on Learning and Evolution in Multi agent Systems) [abstract] |
60. | S. Mastour Eshgh, B. Nadjar Araabi and M. Nili Ahmadabadi Cooperative Q-Learning in a Team of Specialized Agents ( In: IROS-03 Workshop on Learning and Evolution in Multi agent Systems) [abstract] |
61. | S.M.R. Mirfattah, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and B. Nadjar Araabi Finding Action Equivalences among Heterogeneous for Cooperative Q-Learning ( In: IROS-03 Workshop on Learning and Evolution in Multi agent Systems) [abstract] |
62. | G. Zandesh, S. Moghimi, C. Lucas, D. Shahmirzadi, B. Nadjar Araabi, O. Namaki and H. Kord Speed Control of a Switched Reluctance Motor Using Belic ( In: ESEAS int.) [abstract] |
63. | C. Lucas, A. Abbaspour, A. Gholipour and B. Nadjar Araabi Enhancing the Performance of Neurofuzzy Predictors by Emotional Learning Algorithm Informatica 27 (2003), 165-174 [abstract] |