“Reza Lashgari”


IPM Positions |
Faculty Member , School of Cognitive Sciences
(2015 - 2015 ) |
Past IPM Positions |
Non Resident Researcher, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2003 - 2005) |
Non IPM Affiliations |
Faculty Member of Neuroscience research center and Shahid Beheshti | ||
Research Interests |
We are interested in understanding how visual single and population neurons (LFP) reflect visual perception. We pursue this general goal by studying the response properties, neural functions, and mapping organizations of neurons through the visual cortical areas as well as the cortical layers in both awake and anaesthetized primates. We are also interested in understanding the neural circuits of spatial visual attention in area V1 of primates. | ||
Related Papers |
1. | B. Taghizadeh, N. Foley, S. Karimimehr, M. Semework, . , S. Sheth, R. Lashgari and J. Gottlieb Reward uncertainty asymmetrically affects information transmission within the monkey fronto-parietal network Communications Biology 3 (2020), [abstract] |
2. | P. Naghibirad, A. Shahroudi, H. Shabani, S. Ajami and R. Lashgari Encoding Pleasant and Unpleasant Expression of the Architectural Window Shapes: An ERP Study Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (2019), 1-10 [abstract] |
3. | M. Alikhani, R. Rahimabadi, H. Rahimi Nasrabadi, M. Zangane, V. Davoodnia and R. Lashgari Neural adaptation in primary visual cortex of awake primates ( In: 1Sch. of Cognitive Sci., Inst. For Res. In Fundamental Sci., Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of) [abstract] |
4. | A. Rahimabadi, M. Alikhani, V. Davoodnia, M. Zangane, H. Rahimi Nasrabadi and R. Lashgari Method for analyzing neuronal response variability based on frequency response amplitude ( In: 1Sch. of Cognitive Sci., Inst. For Res. In Fundamental Sci., Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of) [abstract] |
5. | M.R. Zarrindast, R. Lashgari, A. Rezayof, F. Motamedi and F. Nazari Serenjeh NMDA receptors of dorsal hippocampus are involved in the acquisition, but not in the expression of morphine-induced place preference EUR J PHARMACOL 568 (2007), 192-198 [abstract] |
6. | R. Lashgari, F. Motamedi, S.M. Noorbakhsh, S. Zahedi asl, S. Shahidi and A. Komaki Assessing the long-term role of L-type voltage dependent calcium channel blocker verapamil on short-term presynaptic plasticity at dentate gyrus of hippocampus (2006), [abstract] |
7. | R. Lashgari, M.R. Zarrindast, F. Motamedi and A. Rezayof Dorsal Hippocampal Glutamate Receptors are involved in Mediating Morphine Reward 55 (2006), [abstract] |
8. | R. Lashgari, F. Motamedi, SZ. ASL and S. Shahidi Effect of the Chronic Oral L-Type Voltage Dependent Calcium Channel Blocker Verapamil on the Paired Pulse Stimulation of Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus in Rats 23 (2006), [abstract] |
9. | R. Lashgari, F. Motamedi, S. Zahedi Asl, S. Shahidi and A. Komaki Behavioral and electrophysiological studies of chronic oral administration of L-type calcium channel blocker verapamil on learning and memory in rats BEHAV BRAIN RES 171 (2006), 324-328 [abstract] |