“Ameneh Rezayof”

Tel: +9821-6112483

IPM Positions |
Non Resident Researcher, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2003 - Present ) |
Non IPM Affiliations |
Professor of Tehran University - Faculty of science | ||
Related Papers |
1. | E. Nazarinia, A. Rezayof, M. Sardari and N. Yazdanbakhsh Contribution of the basolateral amygdala NMDA and muscarinic receptors in rat's memory retrieval Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 139 (2017), 28-36 [abstract] |
2. | A. Tajik, A. Rezayof, Z. Ghasemzadeh and M. Sardari Activation of the dorsal hippocampal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors improves tamoxifen-induced memory retrieval impairment in adult female rats Neuroscience 327 (2016), 1-7 [abstract] |
3. | M. Ghaderi, A. Rezayof, N. Vousooghi and M.R. Zarrindast Dorsal hippocampal NMDA receptors mediate the interactive effects of arachidonylcyclopropylamide and MDMA/ecstasy on memory retrieval in rats Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 66 (2016), 41-47 [abstract] |
4. | S. Alijanpour, A. Rezayof, H. Sepehri and L. Delphi Alterations in the hippocampal phosphorylated CREB expression in drug state-dependent learning Behavioural Brain Research 292 (2015), 109-115 [abstract] |
5. | H. Ghazvini, A. Rezayof, Z. Ghasemzadeh and M.R. Zarrindast u-Opioid and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in the amygdala contribute to minocycline-induced potentiation of morphine analgesia in rats Behavioral Pharmacology 26 (2015), 383-92 [abstract] |
6. | F. Tirgar, A. Rezayof and M.R. Zarrindast Central amygdala nicotinic and 5-HT1A receptors mediate the reversal effect of nicotine and MDMA on morphine-induced amnesia Neuroscience 277 (2014), 392-402 [abstract] |
7. | S. Hashemizadeh, M. Sardari and A. Rezayof Basolateral amygdala CB1 cannabinoid receptors mediate nicotine-induced place preference Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 51 (2014), 65-71 [abstract] |
8. | M.R. Zarrindast, V. Ownegh, A. Rezayof and F. Ownegh The involvement of dorsal hippocampus in dextromethorphan-induced state-dependent learning in mice Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 116 (2014), 90-95 [abstract] |
9. | M. Sardari, A. Rezayof, F. Khodagholi and M.R. Zarrindast Basolateral amygdala GABA-A receptors mediate stress-induced memory retrieval impairment in rats Neuropsychopharmacology DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1461145713001363 (2013), 1-10 [abstract] |
10. | M.R. Zarrindast, N. Eslahi, A. Rezayof, P. Rostami and . Zahmatkesh Modulation of ventral tegmental area dopamine receptors inhibit nicotine-induced anxiogenic-like behavior in the central amygdala Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 41 (2013), 11-17 [abstract] |
11. | M.R. Zarrindast, A. Ardjmand, A. Rezayof and S. Ahmadi The time profile of morphine effect on different phases of Inhibitory avoidance memory in rat Archives of Iranian Medicine 16 (2013), 34-34 [abstract] |
12. | M.R. Zarrindast, M. Mashayekhi, A. Rezayof and S. Ahmadi b-Adrenoceptors in the dorsal hippocampus are involved in ethanol-induced state-dependent retrieval in mice Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 100 (2013), 12-17 [abstract] |
13. | M.R. Zarrindast, S. Khalifeh, A. Rezayof, P. Rostami, A. Aghamohammadi Sereshki and M. Zahmatkesh Involvement of rat dopaminergic system of nucleus accumbens in nicotine-induced anxiogenic-like behaviors Brain Research 1460 (2012), 25-32 [abstract] |
14. | S. Alijanpour, A. Rezayof and M.R. Zarrindast Dorsal hippocampal cannabinoid CB1 receptors mediate the interactive effects of nicotine and ethanol on passive avoidance learning in mice Addiction Biology 18 (2011), 241-251 [abstract] |
15. | F. Nazari Serenjeh, A. Rezayof and M.R. Zarrindast Functional correlation between gabaergic and dopaminergic systems of dorsal hippocampus and ventral tegmental area in passive avoidance learning in rats Neuroscience 196 (2011), 104-114 [abstract] |
16. | M.R. Zarrindast, F. Asadi and A. Rezayof Repeated pretreatment of morphineprevents morphine-induced amnesia: A possible involvement for dorsal hippocampal NMDA receptors Archives of Iranian Medicine 14 (2011), 32-38 [abstract] |
17. | M. Ghiasvand, A. Rezayof, S. Ahmadi and M.R. Zarrindast B1-noradrenergic system of the central amygdala is involved in state-dependent memory induced by a cannabinoid agonist, WIN55,212-2, in rat BEHAV BRAIN RES 225 (2011), 1-3 [abstract] |
18. | M. Ghiasvand, A. Rezayof, M.R. Zarrindast and S. Ahmadi Activation of cannabinoid CB1 receptors in the central amygdala impairs inhibitory avoidance memory consolidation via NMDA receptors Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 96 (2011), 333-338 [abstract] |
19. | A. Ardjmand, A. Rezayof and M.R. Zarrindast Involvement of central amygdala NMDA receptor mechanism in morphine state-dependent memory retrieval Neuroscience Research 69 (2011), 25-31 [abstract] |
20. | A. Rezayof, P. Habibi and M.R. Zarrindast Involvement of dopaminergic and glutamatergic systems of the basolateral amygdala in amnesia induced by the stimulation of dorsal hippocampal cannabinoid receptors Neuroscience 175 (2011), 118-126 [abstract] |
21. | A. Rezayof, M. Sardari, M.R. Zarrindast and T. Nayer-Nouri Functional interaction between morphine and central amygdala cannabinoid CB1 receptors in the acquisition and expression of conditioned place preference BEHAV BRAIN RES 220 (2011), 1-8 [abstract] |
22. | A. Rezayof, Z. Shirazi-Zand, M.R. Zarrindast and T. Nayer-Nouri Nicotine improves ethanol-induced memory impairment: The role of dorsal hippocampal NMDA receptors Life Sciences 86 (2010), 260-266 [abstract] |
23. | A. Rezayof, K. Sharifi, M.R. Zarrindast and Y. Rassouli Modulation of ethanol state-dependent learning by dorsal hippocampal NMDA receptors in mice Alcohol (2008), 667-674 [abstract] |
24. | L. Khajehpour, A. Rezayof and M.R. Zarrindast Involvement of dorsal hippocampal nicotinic receptors in the effect of morphine on memory retrieval in passive avoidance task European Journal of Pharmacology 584 (2008), 343-351 [abstract] |
25. | A. Rezayof , S. Alijanpour, M.R. Zarrindast and Y. Rassouli Ethanol state-dependent memory: Involvement of dorsal hippocampal muscarinic and nicotinic receptors Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 89 (2008), 441-447 [abstract] |
26. | N. Darbandi, A. Rezayof and M.R. Zarrindast Modulation of morphine state-dependent learning by muscarinic cholinergic receptors of the ventral tegmental area PHYSIOL BEHAV 94 (2008), 604-610 [abstract] |
27. | A. Rezayof, N. Darbandi and M.R. Zarrindast Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of the ventral tegmental area are involved in mediating morphine-state-dependent learning Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 90 (2008), 255-260 [abstract] |
28. | M.R. Zarrindast, S. Babapoor-Farrokhran, S. Babapoor-Farrokhran and A. Rezayof Involvement of opioidergic system of the ventral hippocampus, the nucleus accumbens or the central amygdala in anxiety-related behavior Life Sciences 82 (2008), 1175-1181 [abstract] |
29. | A. Rezayof, P. Rostami , F. Valizadegan and M.R. Zarrindast Histaminergic system of the lateral septum in the modulation of anxiety-like behaviour in rats EUR J PHARMACOL 583 (2008), 108-114 [abstract] |
30. | A. Rezayof , V. Hoghooghi and M.R. Zarrindast Inhibition of morphine-induced amnesia in morphine-sensitized mice: involvement of dorsal hippocampal GABAergic receptors Neuropharmacology 54 (2008), 569-576 [abstract] |
31. | M. Nouri, A. Rezayof, A. Haeri-Rohani , M.R. Zarrindast and S. Ahmadi Nicotine improves morphine-induced impairment of memory: possible involvement of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in the nucleus accumbens Dev Neurobiol 67 (2007), 1118-27 [abstract] |
32. | A. Rezayof, F. Nazari-Serenjeh, M.R. Zarrindast, H. Sepehri and L. Delphi Morphine-induced place preference: Involvement of cholinergic receptors of the ventral tegmental area EUR J PHARMACOL 562 (2007), 92-102 [abstract] |
33. | A. Rezayof, S. Razavi, A. Haeri Rohani, Y. Rassouli and M.R. Zarrindast GABAA receptors of hippocampal CA1 regions are involved in the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced place preference European Neuropsychopharmacology 17 (2007), 24-31 [abstract] |
34. | M.R. Zarrindast, R. Lashgari, A. Rezayof, F. Motamedi and F. Nazari Serenjeh NMDA receptors of dorsal hippocampus are involved in the acquisition, but not in the expression of morphine-induced place preference EUR J PHARMACOL 568 (2007), 192-198 [abstract] |
35. | R. Lashgari, M.R. Zarrindast, F. Motamedi and A. Rezayof Dorsal Hippocampal Glutamate Receptors are involved in Mediating Morphine Reward 55 (2006), [abstract] |
36. | P. Zarrindast, M. Moghimi, P. Rostami and A. Rezayof Histaminergic receptors of medial septum and conditioned place preference: D1 dopamine receptor mechanism Brain Research 1109 (2006), 108-116 [abstract] |
37. | A. Rezayof, R. Amini, Y. Rassouli and M.R. Zarrindast Influence of nitric oxide on morphine-induced amnesia and interactions with dopaminergic receptor agents Pharmacology. Biochemistry and Behavior 88 (2006), 124-131 [abstract] |
38. | M.R. Zarrindast, M. Noorbakhshnia, F. Motamedi, A. Haeri Rohani and A. Rezayof Effect of the GABAergic System on Memory formation and State-Dependent Learning Induced by Morphine in Rats PHARMACOLOGY 76 (2006), 93-100 [abstract] |
39. | A. Rezayof, H. Zatali, A. Haeri-Rohani and M.R. Zarrindast Dorsal hippocampal muscarinic and nicotinic receptors are involved in mediating morphine reward BEHAV BRAIN RES 166 (2006), 281-290 [abstract] |
40. | M.R. Zarrindast, M. Farahmandfar, P. Rostami and A. Rezayof The influence of central administration of dopaminergic and cholinergic agents on morphine-induced amnesia in morphine-sensitized mice J PSYCHOPHARMACOL 20 (2006), 59-66 [abstract] |
41. | M.R. Zarrindast, Z. Fattahi, P. Rostami and A. Rezayof Role of the cholinergic system in the rat basolateral amygdala on morphine-induced conditioned place preference Pharmacology. Biochemistry and Behavior 82 (2005), 1-10 [abstract] |
42. | M.R. Zarrindast, M. Nasehi, P. Rostami, A. Rezayof and S. Fazli-Tabaei Repeated administration of dopaminergic agents in the dorsal hippocampus and morphine-induced place preference Behavioral Pharmacology 16 (2005), 85-92 [abstract] |
43. | M.R. Zarrindast, Z. Farajzadeh, P. Rostami, A. Rezayof and P. Nourjah Involvement of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) in morphine-induced memory retention in morphine-sensitized rats BEHAV BRAIN RES 163 (2005), 100-106 [abstract] |
44. | M.R. Zarrindast and A. Rezayof Morphine state-dependent learning: sensitization and interactions with dopamine receptors EUR J PHARMACOL (2004), 197-204 [abstract] |
45. | M.R. Zarrindast, S. Ahmadi, A. Haeri rohani, A. Rezayof, M.R. Jafari and M. Jafari Sabet GABAA receptors in the basolateral amygdale are involved in mediating morphin reward Brain Research (2004), 49-58 [abstract] |
46. | A. Rezayof, M.R. Zarrindast, H. Sahraei and A. Haeri Rohani Involvement of dopamine receptors of the dorsal hippocampus on the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced place preference in rats Journal of Psychopharmacology 17 (2003), 415-423 [abstract] |