“Mohsen Omrani”

Tel: 2368778

IPM Positions |
Non Resident Researcher, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2001 - 2007 ) |
Related Papers |
1. | M. Omrani, A. Lak and M. Diamond Learning not to feel: reshaping the resolution of tactile perception Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 7 (2013), 1-13 [abstract] |
2. | . Lak, . Omrani, MA. Khoshnoodi, AH. Abbasian and ME. Diamond Feedback in a vibrotactile frequency discrimination task alters sensitivity ( In: 38th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Nov 2008, Washington, USA) [abstract] |
3. | R. Motiei Langroudi, M. Omrani, M.A. Khoshnoodi, F. Ghaderi Pakdel, E. Yazdanpanah and A. Abbasian Independent coding of movement duration in a repetitive non-visually guided movement SOMATOSENS MOT RES 23 (2006), 19-24 [abstract] |
4. | M.A. Khoshoodi, R. Motiei Langroudi, M. Omrani, F. Ghaderi Pakdel and A. Abbasian Kinesthetic Memory in Distance Reproduction Task: Importance of Initial Hand Position Information Experimental Brain Research 97 (2005), 276-281 [abstract] |
5. | M. Omrani, M.A. Khoshnoodi, P. Pakarian, A. Abbasian and S. Shahzadi Resistance of Peripheral and Sub-Cortical Somatosensory pathway to Electrical Noise SOMATOSENS MOT RES 21 (2004), 155-158 [abstract] |
6. | M. Omrani, M.A. khoshnoodi and F. Ghaderi Pakdel Role of Time as an Allocentric Cue in Kinesthetic Learning and Planning ( In: NCM) [abstract] |
7. | M.A. Khoshnoodi, M. Omrani, R. Motii, F. Ghaderi Pakdel and A.H. Abbasian Importance of Initial Hand Position in Implementation of Kinesthetic Memory ( In: NCM) [abstract] |
8. | A. Abbasian, S. Shahzadi, P. Pakarian and M. Omrani Tactile Discrimination Task Disturbed by Neither Median Nerve Stimulation Nor Parkinson's Disease ( In: Experimental Neurobiology) [abstract] |