“Shahin Nasr”

Tel: 0912 5330701

IPM Positions |
Ph.D. Student, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2004 - 2009 ) |
Research Interests |
Visual Working memory, psychophysics | ||
Research Activities |
I am working on investigating different aspects of visual working memory e.g. its capacity, performance and how we can control it | ||
Related Papers |
1. | S. Nasr Sensitivity of event-related brain potentials to task rules Atten Percept Psychophys 74 (2012), 1343-1354 [abstract] |
2. | S. Nasr Differential impact of attention on the early and late categorization related human brain potentials Vision 10 (2010), 1-18 [abstract] |
3. | S. Nasr and H. Esteky A study of N250 event-related brain potential during face and non-face detection tasks Vision 5 (2009), 1-14 [abstract] |
4. | S. Nasr and H. Esteky Task-dependent modulation of face specific brain potentials ( In: Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C) [abstract] |
5. | S. Nasr, M. Sanayei and H. Esteky Comparing neuronal substrates of identity and category discrimination: An ERP study ( In: Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C) [abstract] |
6. | S. Nasr and T. Roostaee Face Familiarity Affects Memory Recall Dependency on Encoding and Presentation Times ( In: European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Utrecht, Netherland) [abstract] |
7. | S. Nasr, A. moeeny and H. Esteky Neural Correlate of Filtration of Irrelevant Information from Visual Working Memory but not in acquisition of inhibitory avoidance learning task Plos One 3 (2008), 1-10 [abstract] |
8. | S. Nasr and H. Esteky Impact of Backward Masking on Visual Object Categorization ( In: Annual Meeting of Japanese Neuroscience Society (JNS), Kyoto, Japan) [abstract] |
9. | M. Barekatain, M. Sanayei and . Nasr Motion Discrimination in Acute Mania: A Decision-Making Study ( In: European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), St. Pittsburg, Russia) [abstract] |
10. | S. Nasr and H. Esteky Unitary architecture of attention in visual working memory ( In: Object Perception, Attention and Memory (OPAM), Toronto, Canada) [abstract] |
11. | S. Nasr and H. Esteky Information about the sequence of presentation does not reduce the visual working memory capacity ( In: European Conference on Visual Perception, A Coruna, Spain) [abstract] |
12. | Sh. Nasr and H. Esteky Information about the Sequence of Presentation does not Reduce Visual Working Memory Capacity ( In: European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP)) [abstract] |