“Reza Rajimehr”

IPM Positions

Faculty Member , School of Cognitive Sciences
(2023 - Present )

Past IPM Positions

Senior Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2022 - 2023)
Non Resident Researcher, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2001 - 2004)

Present Research Project at IPM

- A comprehensive map of cognitive domains in the human cerebral cortex
- Prediction of functional maps from structural maps in the brain using deep neural networks

Related Papers

1. A. Farzmahdi, F. Fallah, R. Rajimehr and R. Ebrahimpour
Task-dependent neural representations of visual object categories
European Journal of Neuroscience 04 (2021),   [abstract]
2. N. Abbasi, J. Duncan and R. Rajimehr
Genetic influence is linked to cortical morphology in category-selective areas of visual cortex
Nature Communications 11 (2020), 1-9  [abstract]
3. E. Yargholi, G. Hoddein-zadeh and R. Rajimehr
Predicting BOLD activity in FFA from the activity in other visual areas
Brain connectivity (2019), 329-340  [abstract]
4. N. Emadi, R. Rajimehr and H. Esteky
High baseline activity in inferior temporal cortex improves neural and behavioral discriminability during visual categorization
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 8 (2014), 1-13  [abstract]
5. L. Montaser Kouhsari and R. Rajimehr
Subliminal attentional modulation in crowding condition
Vision Research 45 (2005), 839-844  [abstract]
6. R. Rajimehr
Perceptual Modulation of Orientation-Selective Adaptation
( In: VSS)
7. R. Rajimehr
Static motion aftereffect does not modulate positional representations in early visual areas
COGNITIVE BRAIN RES (2004), 323-327  [abstract]
8. L. Montaser kouhsari and R. Rajimehr
Attentional Modulation of Adaptation to Illusory Lines
Journal of Vision (2004), 434-444  [abstract]
9. R. Rajimehr, M. Vaziri pashkam, S.R. Afraz and H. Esteky
Adaptation to apparent motion in crowding condition
Vision Research (2004), 925-931  [abstract]
10. R. Rajimehr
Unconscious Orientation Processing
Neuron 41 (2004), 663-673  [abstract]
11. L. Montaser kouhsari and R. Rajimehr
Attention dependent illusory line-tilt aftereffect
( In: Journal of Vision)
12. R. Rajimehr
Invisibility patterns of unresolvable Gabor patches in motion induced blindness
( In: IBRO)
13. R. Rajimehr
Orientation Information of Unresolvable Gabor Patches Primes Ambiguous Motion but not Serial Search
( In: ECVP)
14. R. Rajimehr
Color-Contingent Orientation Adaptation for Unresolvable Gabor Patches
( In: VSS)
15. R. Rajimehr, L. Montaser Kouhsari and S.R. Afraz
Orientation selective adaptation to crowded illusory lines
Perception 32 (2003), 1199-1210  [abstract]
16. L. Montaser kouhsari and R. Rajimehr
Attention enhances Adaptation to Illusory Lines
( In: Attention and Performance Meeting )
17. L. Montaser kouhsari, R. Rajimehr, S.R. Afraz and H. Esteky
Visual Illusion without Awareness
( In: VSS)
18. B. Bahrami and R. Rajimehr
The role of feature-dependent backward masking in perceptual asynchrony
( In: ECVP)
19. R. Rajimehr, S. Farsiu, L. Montaser Kouhsari, A. Bidari, C. Lucas, S. Yousefian and F. Bahrami
Prediction of lupus nephritis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus using artificial neural networks
Lupus 11 (2002), 485-492  [abstract]
20. R. Rajimehr and L. Montaser Kouhsari
Computational Behavior of Neuron Pools in Thalamous and Low level Cortical Areas During Visual attention
( In: GCSS)
21. L. Montaser kouhsari and R. Rajimehr
Computational Modeling of Spatial Cueing in Visual Attention
( In: )
22. R. Rajimehr and L. Montaser Kouhsari
Neurobiological Modeling of Bursting Response During Visual Attention
( In: IWANN)
23. R. Rajimehr and A. Vahabzadeh
Studies on the Short Term and Long term Memory in Regard to Recall of Information Using Mathematical Modelling and Neural Network
( In: International Conference of Psychophysiology)
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