“Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood”

Tel:  (+98)(381)4424419
Fax:  (+98)(381)4424419

IPM Positions

Non Resident Researcher (non-resident), School of Mathematics
(2010 - 2012 )

Past IPM Positions

Associate Researcher (non-resident), School of Mathematics
(2006 - 2009)
Associate Researcher (non-resident), School of Mathematics
(2004 - 2006)

Associate Researcher (non-resident), School of Mathematics
(2002 - 2003)

Non IPM Affiliations

Associate Professor of Shahrekord University

Research Interests

Transcendental Number Theory, Diophantine Approximations, Linear Independence and Irrationality of Numbers, Hypergeometric Functions.

Present Research Project at IPM

Research program

More Information


Problem 1. The generalized polylogarithmic function is defined by the series

Ls(a, z)= ?



where s ? N, a ? Q, 0 < a ? 1, |z| ? 1 for s ? 2 and |z| < 1 for s=1.

Note that polylogarithmic function is connected with the many remarkable constants such as z(2k+1)=L2k+1(1,1) (Riemann zeta function values at odd points, k ? 2),

G=1/4?L2(1/2, -1) (Catalan?s constant),


n2 2n

=L2(1, 1/2)=p2/12-1/2(log2)2

which are not yet known to be irrational.

Almost all known results on the values of polylogarithms Ls(a, z) are proved for rational points close to zero. It is an interesting but very difficult problem to study the values at points that are far from zero, for example, on the boundary of the disc of convergence. In this connection we note Apery''s theorem (1978) that L3(1, 1)=z(3) is irrational, recent Rivoal''s theorem (2000) that there exist infinitely many irrational numbers among z(3), z(5), z(7), ?; Zudilin''s result (2001) that at least one of the four numbers

z(5),z(7), z(9), z(11)

is irrational, and also Hata''s theorem (1993) on the values of dilogarithm that L2(1, 1/q) is irrational for any integer q ? (-?, -5]?[7, ?), and author''s result (1999) that at least one of the numbers L3(1, 1/q), L2(1, 1/q) is irrational for any integer q ? (-?, -1]?[3, ?).

Problem 2. Obtaining lower bounds for linear forms in values of generalized hypergeometric functions that depend on all of the coefficients. Particular cases of this problem were considered early by author.

Problem 3. Diophantine equations.

Related Papers

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19. T. Hessami Pilehrood and Kh. Hessami Pilehrood
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20. T. Hessami Pilehrood and Kh. Hessami Pilehrood
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