“Leila Montaser Kouhsari”
Tel: +9821-8965098

IPM Positions |
Non Resident Researcher, School of Cognitive Sciences
(1999 - 2004 ) |
Research Interests |
- Cognitive Neuroscience - System Neuroscience - Sensation and Perception | ||
Related Papers |
1. | L. Montaser Kouhsari and R. Rajimehr Subliminal attentional modulation in crowding condition Vision Research 45 (2005), 839-844 [abstract] |
2. | L. Montaser kouhsari and R. Rajimehr Attentional Modulation of Adaptation to Illusory Lines Journal of Vision (2004), 434-444 [abstract] |
3. | L. Montaser kouhsari, F. Moradi, A. Zandvakili and H. Esteky Orientation Selective Adaptation during Motion Induced Blindness Perception 33 (2004), 249-254 [abstract] |
4. | L. Montaser kouhsari and R. Rajimehr Attention dependent illusory line-tilt aftereffect ( In: Journal of Vision) [abstract] |
5. | L. Montaser kouhsari Disappearance patterns of coloured gratings and illusory contours in motion-induced blindness ( In: ECVP) [abstract] |
6. | S.R. Afraz, L. Montaser Kouhsari, M. Vaziri Pashkam and F. Moradi Interhemispheric visual interaction in a patient with posterior callosectomy Neuropsychologia 41 (2003), 597-604 [abstract] |
7. | R. Rajimehr, L. Montaser Kouhsari and S.R. Afraz Orientation selective adaptation to crowded illusory lines Perception 32 (2003), 1199-1210 [abstract] |
8. | L. Montaser kouhsari and R. Rajimehr Attention enhances Adaptation to Illusory Lines ( In: Attention and Performance Meeting ) [abstract] |
9. | L. Montaser kouhsari, R. Rajimehr, S.R. Afraz and H. Esteky Visual Illusion without Awareness ( In: VSS) [abstract] |
10. | L. Montaser kouhsari, F. Moradi, A. Zandvakili and H. Esteky Orientation selective adaptation in motion induced blindness ( In: ECVP) [abstract] |
11. | L. Montaser kouhsari and H. Esteky Distance dependent compulsory averaging of crowded signals ( In: ECVP) [abstract] |
12. | R. Rajimehr, S. Farsiu, L. Montaser Kouhsari, A. Bidari, C. Lucas, S. Yousefian and F. Bahrami Prediction of lupus nephritis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus using artificial neural networks Lupus 11 (2002), 485-492 [abstract] |
13. | R. Rajimehr and L. Montaser Kouhsari Computational Behavior of Neuron Pools in Thalamous and Low level Cortical Areas During Visual attention ( In: GCSS) [abstract] |
14. | L. Montaser kouhsari and R. Rajimehr Computational Modeling of Spatial Cueing in Visual Attention ( In: ) [abstract] |
15. | R. Rajimehr and L. Montaser Kouhsari Neurobiological Modeling of Bursting Response During Visual Attention ( In: IWANN) [abstract] |