“Caro Lucas”

Tel: (+98 21) 22294035
Fax: (+98 21) 22280352

IPM Positions |
Faculty Member , School of Cognitive Sciences
(1994 - 1996 ) |
Non IPM Affiliations |
Professor of University of Tehran | ||
Research Interests |
Biological computing, emotional modeling computational intelligence, multiagent system design | ||
Research Activities |
Neuromorphic models of emotional processing chemical computing models of emotional procssing Self concept development in multiagent systems attention, habilitation, context sensitivity | ||
Related Papers |
1. | A. Kalhor, B. Araabi and C. Lucas Generating flexible convex hyper-polygon validity regions viasigmoid-based membership functions in TS modeling Applied Soft Computing 28 (2015), 589-598 [abstract] |
2. | A. Kalhor, B. Araabi and C. Lucas Evolving Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model based on switching to neighboring models Applied Soft Computing 13 (2013), 939-946 [abstract] |
3. | A. Kalhor, B. Araabi and C. Lucas Online extraction of main linear trends for nonlinear time-varying processes Information Sciences 220 (2013), 22-33 [abstract] |
4. | H. Soleimani, C. Lucas, B. Araabi and L. Schwabe Adaptive prediction of epileptic seizures from intracranial recordings Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012), 456-464 [abstract] |
5. | H. Soleimani, C. Lucas and B. Nadjar Arabi Fast evolving neuro-fuzzy model and its application in online classification and time series prediction Pattern Analysis and Applications 15 (2012), 279-288 [abstract] |
6. | A.M. Farahmand, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, C. Lucas and B. Arabi Interaction of culture-based learning and cooperative co-evolution and its application to automatic behavior-based system design IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 14 (2010), 23-57 [abstract] |
7. | A. Arami, C. Lucas and M. Nili Ahmadabadi Attention to multiple local critics in decision making and control Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010), 6931-6941 [abstract] |
8. | M. Mirmomeni, C. Lucas, M. Shafiee, B. Nadjar Arabi and E. Kamaliha Fuzzy descriptor systems and spectral analysis for chaotic time series prediction Neural Computing & Applications (2009), 991-1004 [abstract] |
9. | M. Azizur Rahman, R. Milasi, C. Lucas, B. Nadjar Arabi and T. Radwan Implementation of emotional controller for interior permanent-magnet synchronous motor drive IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 44 (2008), 1466-1476 [abstract] |
10. | T. Shahbazi, C. Lucas, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and B. Arabi Learning decision fusion in concept learning using population based incremental learning (PBIL) ( In: 2nd Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Tehran, Iran, 2008) [abstract] |
11. | A. Arami, B. Nadjar Arabi, C. Lucas and M. Nili Ahmadabadi Learning cluster type and dissimilarity metric for each cluster using a set of possible cluster types Computer Science & Engineering 5 (2007), 33-45 [abstract] |
12. | T. Shahbazi, B. Nadjar Arabi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi and C. Lucas Modeling Sensor Reliabilities in the Belief Functions Framework for Learning by Evolutionary Algorithms ( In: 1st Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Mashhad, Iran, 2007 ) [abstract] |
13. | . Borji and . Lucas Evolutionary Design of Gabor Filters with Application to Writer Identification ( In: Proceeding of 12th International CSI Computer Conference CSICC 07) [abstract] |
14. | T. Babaie, R. Karimizandi and C. Lucas Prediction of solar conditions by emotional learning Intelligent Data Analysis 10 (2007), 583-597 [abstract] |
15. | A. Gholipour, C. Lucas , BN. Araabi , M. Mirmomeni and M. Shafiee Extracting the main patterns of natural time series for long-term neurofuzzy prediction Neural Computing and Applications 16 (2007), 383-393 [abstract] |
16. | RM. Milasi, MR. Jamali and C. Lucas Intelligent washing machine: A bioinspired and multi-objective approach International Journal of Control and Intelligent System 5 (2007), 436-443 [abstract] |
17. | A.R. Mehrabanian, C. Lucas and J. Roshanian Aerospace launch vehicle control: an intelligent adaptive approach Aerospace Science and Technology 10 (2006), 149-155 [abstract] |
18. | C. Lucas and AR. Mehrabian A novel numerical optimization algorithm inspired from weed colonization Ecological Informatics 1 (2006), 355-366 [abstract] |
19. | A. Gholipour, B. Nadjar Araabi and C. Lucas Predicting Chaotic Time Series Using Neural and Neurofuzzy Models: A Comparative Study Neural Processing Letters 24 (2006), 217-239 [abstract] |
20. | C. Lucas and B. Nadjar Araabi Hierarchical Image Segmentation Using Ant Colony and Chemical Computing Approach Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3611 (2005), 1250-1258 [abstract] |
21. | R. Ebrahimpour, M. Mazloom and C. Lucas Face Recognition: An Ensemble Neural Network with Co-Evolutionary Algorithm Approach ( In: 2nd IEEE-GCC Conference) [abstract] |
22. | C. Lucas, D. Shahmirzadi and N. Sheikholeslami Brain Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Controller INTELL AUTOM SOFT CO 10 (2004), 11-22 [abstract] |
23. | E. Fatemizadeh, C. Lucas, H. Soltanian Zadeh and M.R. Hashemi Golpayegani Local Matching of Medical Images Using RBF Nets ( In: CSICS ) [abstract] |
24. | C. Lucas Emotional Learning and Decision Fusion in Satisfying Control and Information Processing ( In: WAC 2004) [abstract] |
25. | C. Lucas, R. Langari and D. Shahmirzadi Stabilization of Control System With Sensor Time Delays Using Brain Emotional Learning ( In: WAC 2004) [abstract] |
26. | A. Abbaspour, C. Lucas and M. Nili Ahmadabadi Multi Objective Emotional Learning for Portfolio Selection ( In: WAC 2004) [abstract] |
27. | A. Gholipour, A. Abbaspour and C. Lucas Online Predictive Control of Congestion in ATM Networks By Emotional Learning ( In: WAC 2004) [abstract] |
28. | F. Rashidi, M. Rashidi and C. Lucas An Adaptive Sliding Mode Speed Control with Fuzzy Approach for Induction Motors ( In: WAC 2004) [abstract] |
29. | L. Amini, H. Soltanian Zadeh, C. Lucas and M. Gity Automatic Segmentation of Thalamus from Brain MRI Integration Fuzzy Clustering and Dynamic Contours IEEE Trans. Biomedicine Eng. 51 (2004), 800 - 811 [abstract] |
30. | C. Lucas Multi Step-prediction of Solar Activity with ETDLMLP Ëmotional Temporal Difference Learning via Multi Layer Perception ( In: CIRA) [abstract] |
31. | A. Abbaspour, A. Gholipour, C. Lucas, B. Nadjar Araabi and M. Fatourechi Multi Objective Emotional Learning Based Fuzzy Inference System ( In: WSEAS Transactions on System) [abstract] |
32. | J. Abdi and C. Lucas Strategies for Speed Regulation of DC Motors ( In: IEEE (International Conference and Automation)) [abstract] |
33. | C. Lucas and S. Moghimi Applying BELBIC (Brain Emotion Learning Based Intelligent Controller) to an Auto landing System ( In: WSEAS AIKED'03) [abstract] |
34. | C. Lucas, A. Fatehi, d. Shahmirzadi and M. Takami Implementation of A Genetically Optimized Interpolative Fuzzy Inference Engine In Controlling A Ball-Plate Laboratory Setup ( In: Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference Chicago) [abstract] |
35. | J. Abdi, A. Gholipour, C. Lucas, A. Khaki Sedigh and F. Rashidi Emotion Temporal Difference Learning via Multi Layer Perceptron ( In: IDEAL) [abstract] |
36. | A. Gholipour, C. Lucas and D. Shahmirzadi Predicting Geomagnetic Activity Indexby Brain Emotional Learning Algorithm ( In: WSEAS AIKED'03) [abstract] |
37. | M. Fatourchi, C. Lucas and A. Khaki Sedigh Multi � Critics Based Intelligent Control ( In: WSEAS Int.) [abstract] |
38. | F. Rashidi and C. Lucas Appling CBRL (Context Based Reinforcement Learning) to Multivariable Control of a HVAC System ( In: WSEAS Int.) [abstract] |
39. | R. Daneshvar and C. Lucas Introducing A New Approach For Defining Personality of Artificial Agents ( In: WSEAS Int) [abstract] |
40. | F. Rashidi and C. Lucas Appling CBBEL (Context Based Brain Emotional Learning) to SR Motors ( In: WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEM) [abstract] |
41. | A. Abbaspour, C. Lucas and M. Nili Ahmadabadi Emotional Reinforcement Learning for Portfolio Selection ( In: WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEM) [abstract] |
42. | C. Lucas, Gh. Haffari and J. Abdi Different Learning Structure in STAGE ( In: ICCA) [abstract] |
43. | J. Abdi, F. Rashidi and C. Lucas Intelligent Control Strategies for Speed Regulation pf DC Motor ( In: ICCA) [abstract] |
44. | M. Farahmand, M.J. Yazdanpanah and C. Lucas Fuzzy Logic and Optimal control Design to an Automative active Suspension System ( In: ICONS) [abstract] |
45. | A. Farahmand and C. Lucas Fuzzy Neural Network Implementation of Q( ) for Mobile Robots ( In: WSEAS Int.) [abstract] |
46. | S. Harati Zadeh, A. Keighobadi Lamjiri and C. Lucas Zamin Environmen:Review and comparison ( In: WSEAS Int.) [abstract] |
47. | G. Zandesh, S. Moghimi, C. Lucas, D. Shahmirzadi, B. Nadjar Araabi, O. Namaki and H. Kord Speed Control of a Switched Reluctance Motor Using Belic ( In: ESEAS int.) [abstract] |
48. | . Daneshvar and C. Lucas Improving Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Using Emotion In a Multi Agent System ( In: IVA) [abstract] |
49. | M.J. Yazdanpanah, E. Semsar and C. Lucas Minimization of Actuator Repositioning using Neural Networks with Application in Nonlinear HVAC Systems ( In: ECC) [abstract] |
50. | R. Daneshvar and C. Lucas Improving Reinforcement Learning Algorithm using Emotions in a Multi-agent System LECT NOTES ARTIF INT (2003), 361-362 [abstract] |
51. | C. Lucas, D. Shahmirzadi, M.N. Bahrami and H. Ghafoori Fard A FEM-Based Quasi-Static Neuro-Model for Acoustic Noise in Switch Reluctance Motors International Journal of Computational Acoustics 11 (2003), 1-3 [abstract] |
52. | C. Lucas and D. Shahmirzadi An Interpolative Fuzzy Inference Procedure Using Least Square Principle International Journal of Control and Intelligent System 31 (2003), [abstract] |
53. | C. Lucas, A. Abbaspour, A. Gholipour and B. Nadjar Araabi Enhancing the Performance of Neurofuzzy Predictors by Emotional Learning Algorithm Informatica 27 (2003), 165-174 [abstract] |
54. | E. Fatemizadeh, C. Lucas and H. Soltanian Zadeh Automatic Landmark Extraction from Image Data Using Modified Growing Neural Gas Network IEEE Transaction on Information Technology and Biomedicine 7 (2003), [abstract] |
55. | H. Valizadegan and C. Lucas Multicriteria Satisficing Neuroprediction ( In: 4th Iran-Armenian Workshop on Neural Networks) [abstract] |
56. | D. Shahmirzadi, C. Lucas, M. Farshad and R. Pedrami Training Neural Network for Modeling the Acoustic Behavior of Switch Reluctance Motors ( In: 4th Iran-Armenian Workshop on Neural Networks) [abstract] |
57. | S.B. Shourahi, Gh. Haffari and C. Lucas Different Learning Structure in STAGE Algorithm ( In: 4th Iran-Armenian Workshop on Neural Networks) [abstract] |
58. | M. Farahmand, C. Lucas and M.J. Yazdanpanah Application of Fuzzy Logic and LOG Control to an Automation Active Suspension Model ( In: IASTED International Conference on Modeling and Simulation) [abstract] |
59. | M. Farahmand, C. Lucas and M.J. Yazdanpanah Fuzzy Logic and Optimal Control Applied to an Automotive Active Suspension System ( In: ACIT ) [abstract] |
60. | P. Pour mohammadian, H. Lessani, C. Lucas and M. Khedrzadeh Robust Stabilization of Power Systems with Genetic Algorithms ( In: 10th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering) [abstract] |
61. | C. Lucas and G. Mortezaei Analysis of Mammographic Microcalcifications using Grey Level Images and Neural Networks ( In: IEEE Seminar on Appropirate Medical Technology for Developing Countries) [abstract] |
62. | N. Farahmand, C. Lucas and M.J. Yazdanpanah Application of Fuzzy and Optimal Control to an automotive active Suspension system ( In: International Journal of Engineering Simulation ) [abstract] |
63. | S. Sedighi Zadeh, c. Lucas and M. Ghafourifard Sensorless Fuzzy Control of Switch Reluctance Motor ( In: The 3rd Seminar on Fuzzy sets and Applications) [abstract] |
64. | C. Lucas Rational or Emotional Decision Making? A New Approach to Intelligent Control ( In: The 3rd Seminar on Fuzzy sets and Applications) [abstract] |
65. | E. Fatemizadeh, C. Lucas, H. Soltanian Zadeh and M.R. Hashemi Golpayegani Multiple Precision Landmark Extraction for Medical Images with Growing Cellular Neural Network ( In: CSICS) [abstract] |
66. | S.H. Fathi, M. Rostami, M. Abedi and C. Lucas Chaos in Power Transformers Including the Core Hysteresis ( In: The 6th IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems PES ) [abstract] |
67. | A. Shaneh, A. Bidokhti, C. Lucas and M. Teshnehlab A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to Geopotential Perdiction Using Equivalent Barotropic Model ( In: 19th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/ 15th Conference on Numerical Weather Perdiction) [abstract] |
68. | M.M. Khalighi, H. Soltanian Zadeh and C. Lucas Unsupervised MRI Segmentation with Spatial Connectivity ( In: SPIE Conference on Medical Imaging) [abstract] |
69. | D. Shahmirzadi, C. Lucas, M. Nikkhah Bahrami and H. Ghafoori Fard A Computational Approach to Acoustic Noise in Switch Reluctance Drives ( In: ICMCA) [abstract] |
70. | D. Shahmirzadi, C. Lucas, M. Nikkhah Bahrami and H. Ghafoori Fard A Computational Approach to Acoustic Noise in Switch Reluctance Drives ( In: ICMCA ) [abstract] |
71. | D. Shahmirzadi, C. Lucas, M. Nikkhah Bahrami and H. Ghafoori Fard A Computational Approach to Acoustic Noise in Switch Reluctance Motors ( In: Third International Symposium Mathematical and Computational Applications) [abstract] |
72. | L. Amini, H. Soltanian Zadeh and C. Lucas Segmentation of specific brain structures from MRI ( In: ICDIA) [abstract] |
73. | R. Rajimehr, S. Farsiu, L. Montaser Kouhsari, A. Bidari, C. Lucas, S. Yousefian and F. Bahrami Prediction of lupus nephritis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus using artificial neural networks Lupus 11 (2002), 485-492 [abstract] |
74. | M.A. Zia, C. Lucas, M.R. Shirazi and A. Alishahi Development if a Multi-agent Information Management System for Iran Power Industry: A Case Study ( In: IEEE Power Tech) [abstract] |
75. | C. Lucas, M.M. Shanechi, P. Asadi and P. Mellati Rad A robust speed controller for switched reluctance motor with nonlinear QFT design approach ( In: World Congress on Industrial Applications of Electrical Energy and 35th IEEE-IAS Annual Meeting) [abstract] |
76. | M.R. Ganjavi, C. Lucas and M.H. Javadi Short term load forecasting using fuzzy neural network modified by the similarity and subsethood measures J. of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 7 (1999), 347-357 [abstract] |
77. | R. Nezafat, A. Tabesh, M.A. Zia and C. Lucas Feature Selection and Classification for Diagnosing Breast Cancer ( In: IASTED Int. Conf. On Artificial Intelligent and Soft Computing) [abstract] |
78. | C. Lucas and S.A. Jazbi Intelligent Motion Control of Electric Motors with Evaluative Feedback ( In: Cigre, Paris, Session) [abstract] |