“Sohrab Shahzadi”


IPM Positions |
Faculty Member , School of Cognitive Sciences
(1997 - 2013 ) |
Related Papers |
1. | F. Khadjevand, S. Shahzadi and A. Abbasian Reduction of negative afterimage duration in parkinson's disease patients: A possible role for dopaminergic deficiency in the retinal interplexiform sell layer Vision 50 (2010), 279-283 [abstract] |
2. | P. Pakarian, SM. Rayegani and S. Shahzadi Effect of Vim thalamic DBS in Parkinson's disease on F wave duration NEUROSCI LETT 367 (2004), 323-326 [abstract] |
3. | M. Omrani, M.A. Khoshnoodi, P. Pakarian, A. Abbasian and S. Shahzadi Resistance of Peripheral and Sub-Cortical Somatosensory pathway to Electrical Noise SOMATOSENS MOT RES 21 (2004), 155-158 [abstract] |
4. | P. Pakarian, M. Raygani and S. Shahzadi The Effect of Electrical Stimulation of Thalamic Vim Nucleus on the Parameters of F-Wave ( In: IBRO) [abstract] |
5. | A. Abbasian, S. Shahzadi, P. Pakarian and M. Omrani Tactile Discrimination Task Disturbed by Neither Median Nerve Stimulation Nor Parkinson's Disease ( In: Experimental Neurobiology) [abstract] |
6. | A.H. Abbasian, S. Shahzadi, S.R. Afraz, A. Fazl and F. Moradi Tactile Discrimination Task Not Disturbed by Thalamic Stimulation Stereo tactic and Functional Neurosurgery 76 (2001), 19-28 [abstract] |