“Reza Nilipour”

IPM Positions |
Faculty Member , School of Cognitive Sciences
(1996 - 2007 (Former Faculty)) |
Non IPM Affiliations |
Professor of University of Welfare & Rehabilitation Sciences, Dept. of Speech Theory | ||
Elected member, Academy of Aphasia, USA | ||
Research Interests |
Neurolinguistics, Language and Memory, Aphasiological Studies (Acquired and developmental) | ||
Research Activities |
"Where" and "What" of Language Our reserch is in the domain of cognitice Neuroscinece. Its major focus is to study the neurolinguistic and neuropsychological correlates of human language: How language is organazed and processed in the human brain? what are the underlying neural mechanisms of language use and comprehension? How words and sentences are organized and processed in the brain? The exprimental data, in this respect, are obrained from four different neurolinguiatic aources. 1. Aphasiological and pathological data from monolingual and bilingual brain-damaged patients whose native language is persian. 2. Persian-speaking children with developmental language impairments. 3. Experimental tasks designed to measure auditory verbal (Persian) and non-verbal cognitive functions, and 4. results of neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies on language such as ERP and fMRI. | ||
Present Research Project at IPM |
1- Neuropsychology of human auditory system: Auditory "what" and "where" Precessing streams 2- Etiology and Symptomatology of SLI and Dyslexia | ||
Related Papers |
1. | R. Nilipour, S. Clarke, B. Noudoost, G. Tarighat Saber and A. Najlerahim Selective Deficits in Human Audition: Evidence from Lesion Studies ( In: FAONS) [abstract] |
2. | R. Nilipour, G. Tarighat Saber and B. Noudoost Implicit Use of Semantic Auditory Information in Auditory Associative Agnosia ( In: 12th World Congress of Psychophysiology, The Olympics of the Brain) [abstract] |
3. | R. Nilipour, B. Noudoost and K. Mirpour Slow Motion Processing in Developmental Dyslexia ( In: 12th World Congress of Psychophysiology, The Olympics of the Brain) [abstract] |
4. | R. Nilipour, S. Clarke, B. Noudoost, G. Tarighat Saber and A. Najllerahim Response time as an index for selective auditory cognitive deficits ACTA Neurobiologiae Experimentalis (2004), 163-170 [abstract] |
5. | R. Nilipour Symptomatalogy of Specific Language Impairment in Persian ( In: 4th seminar on Aphasia) [abstract] |
6. | R. Nilipour and S. Raghibdoust Manifestations of Aphasia in Persian J. of Neurolinguistics 14 (2001), 209-230 [abstract] |
7. | R. Nilipour, G. Jarema, E. Jehayia and F. Moradi The Role of Headedness in the Processing of Compounds: Evidence from Persian ( In: 2nd Int. Cong. Of the Mental Lexicon) [abstract] |
8. | R. Nilipour Bilingual Aphasia: A Heterogeneous population with Differential Therapeutic Needs ( In: 2nd Int. Symp. On Communication Disorders in Multilingual Population) [abstract] |
9. | R. Nilipour Agrammatic Language: Two Cases From Persian Aphasiology 14 (2000), [abstract] |
10. | R. Nilipour Semantic Transparency and Headedness in Compounds ( In: 1st Int. Conference on Mental Lexicon) [abstract] |