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Paper   IPM / M / 7876
School of Mathematics
  Title:   k-homogeneous latin trades
1.  R. Bean
2.  H. Bidkhori
3.  M. Khosravi
4.  E. S. Mahmoodian
  Status:   In Proceedings
  Proceeding: ALCOMA05
  Year:  2005
  Supported by:  IPM
Let T be a partial latin square and L a latin square such that TL. Then T is called a latin trade, if there exists a partial latin square T* such that T*T = ϕ and (L \T)∪T* is a latin square. We call T* a disjoint mate of T. A latin trade is called k-homogeneous if each row and each column contains exactly k elements, and each element appears exactly k times. The number of elements in a latin trade is referred to as its volume.
It is shown by Cavenagh, Donovan, and Drapal (2003 and 2004) that 3-homogeneus and 4-homogeneous latin trades of volume 3m and 4m, respectively, exist for all m ≥ 3 and m ≥ 4, respectively. We show that k-homogeneous latin trades of volume km exist for all 3 ≤ k ≤ 8 and mk. Also we show that for each given k ≥ 3 and mk, all k-homogeneous latin trades of volume km exist except possibly for finitely many m, i.e. k < m < 2k+20.

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