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Paper   IPM / Physic / 6867
School of Physics
  Title:   Sign Function and Gluing of Space-Time Manifolds within the Distributional Method
1.  S. Khakshournia
2.  R. Mansouri
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Gravitation and Cosmology
  No.:  98
  Vol.:  7
  Year:  2001
  Pages:   261-268
  Supported by:  IPM
The introduction of the sign function within the Darmois-Israel formalism has bee a breakthrough in the study of the gluing manifolds and their classification within general relativity. In the equivalent distributional method introduced in the last years, the corresponding sign function has never been considered and therefore the classification of matching has not been possible. We have implemented this sign function within the distributional method successfully and applied it to static and time-dependent spherically symmetric space-times.

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