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Paper   IPM / Physic / 6717
School of Physics
  Title:   Space-Charge and Cyclotron Waves in A Raman Free-Electron Laser
1.  J. E. Willett
2.  B. Farrokhi
3.  B. Maraghechi
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Physica Scripta
  No.:  96
  Vol.:  T84
  Year:  2000
  Pages:   156-158
  Supported by:  IPM
Effects of the wiggler field on the propagation of two types of space-charge waves in a Raman free-electron laser are studied. The relativistic electron beam is affected by an axial magnetic field and only partially fills a cylindrical metallic waveguide. Using the electrostatic approximation in the beam frame and an appropriate boundary condition a set of two equations are found as the dispersion relation. These equations are solved numerically to study the characteristics of the plasma-like and the cyclotron-like waves.

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