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Paper   IPM / Cognitive Sciences / 17990
School of Cognitive Sciences
  Title:   The impact of brain functional connectivity on skill and physical performance in soccer players: A resting state fMRI study
1.  P. Abbasi
2.  A. Fallahi
3.  M. Nourshahi
4.  Y. Asadi
5.  H. Soltanian-Zadeh
6.  M. Nazem-Zadeh
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Psychology of Sport and Exercise
  Year:  2025
  Supported by:  IPM
Objective: Identifying connections between various aspects of physical performance, motor skills, and cognitive abilities with the brain connectivity networks is essential for determining important brain regions associated with soccer performance. This study aimed to carry out the relationship between soccer-specific parameters and resting-state functional connectivity in soccer players. Materials and methods: Twenty-five soccer players (Vo2max; 50.68 ± 3.76 ml/min/kg) were participated voluntarily. The study encompassed a comprehensive assessment, including measures of physical performance, skill performance, and executive function (design fluency). Each participants underwent resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) also allowing for the acquisition of data. The Linear regression were conducted between sport-specific parameters and functional connectivity values. Results: Our findings revealed a significant positive correlation between agility and linear sprinting with the dorsal attention network (DAN). Conversely, the aerobic fitness parameter demonstrated exhibited a significant negative correlation with the DMN. Skill performance (speed dribbling, passing, shooting) displayed a significant positive correlation with both sensorimotor network (SMN), and DAN. Moreover, design fluency test displayed a significant positive correlation with the DMN. Notably, IPSL and IPSR nodes within the DAN consistently demonstrated the highest degree of centrality across various sports parameters. Conclusion: This study provides valuable insights into the intricate relationship among physical performance, skill proficiency, and executive function, as they relate to the functional connectivity of specific neural networks in soccer players. The outcomes establish a foundational understanding for future exploration and potential applications in sports science, and cognitive neuroscience in order to improve soccer performance.

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