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Paper   IPM / Cognitive / 17835
School of Cognitive Sciences
  Title:   Explaining Integration of Evidence Separated by Temporal Gaps with Frontoparietal Circuit Models
1.  Z. Azizi
2.  R. Ebrahimpour
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Neuroscience
  Vol.:  509
  Year:  2023
  Pages:   74-95
  Supported by:  IPM
Perceptual decisions rely on accumulating sensory evidence over time. However, the accumulation process is complicated in real life when evidence resulted from separated cues over time. Previous studies demonstrate that participants are able to integrate information from two separated cues to improve their performance invariant to an interval between the cues. However, there is no neural model that can account for accuracy and confidence in decisions when there is a time interval in evidence. We used behavioral and EEG datasets from a visual choice task â??Random dot motionâ?? with separated evidence to investigate three candid distributed neural networks. We showed that decisions based on evidence accumulation by separated cues over time are best explained by the interplay of recurrent cortical dynamics of centro-parietal and frontal brain areas while an uncertainty-monitoring module included in the model.

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