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Paper   IPM / Particles And Accelerator / 17571
School of Particles and Accelerator
  Title:   Firewalls from wormholes in higher genus
  Author(s):  Hamed Zolfi
  Status:   Published
  Journal: JHEP
  Vol.:  05
  Year:  2024
  Supported by:  IPM
An old black hole can tunnel into a white hole/ firewall by emitting large baby universes. This phenomenon was investigated in Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity for genus one. In this paper, the focus is on higher genus corresponding to emitting more than one baby universe ($n > 1$). The probability of encountering a firewall or tunneling into a white hole after emitting $n$ baby universes is proportional to $e^{-2nS(E)}e^{4 \pi \sqrt{E}(n-1)}E^{2n^2-n-9/2}t^{4n^2-2n-5}$, where $t$ is the age of the black hole, and $S$ and $E$ represent the entropy and energy of the black hole, respectively.

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