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Paper   IPM / Particles / 17025
School of Particles and Accelerator
  Title:   xFitter: An Open Source QCD Analysis Framework. A resource and reference document for the Snowmass study
1.  Hamed Abdolmaleki
2.  S Amoroso
3.  V Bertone
4.  M Botje
5.  D Britzger
6.  S Camarda
7.  A Cooper-Sarkar
8.  J Fiaschi
9.  F Giuli
10.  A Glazov
11.  C Gwenlan
12.  F Hautmann
13.  H Jung
14.  A Kusina
15.  A Luszczak
16.  T T Makela
17.  I Novikov
18.  F Olness
19.  R R Sadykov
20.  P Starovoitov
21.  M Sutton
22.  O Zenaiev
  Status:   Submitted
  Year:  2022
  Supported by:  IPM
We provide an overview of the xFitter open-source software package, review the general capabilities of the program, and highlight applications relevant to the Snowmass study. An updated version of the program (2.2.0) is available on CERN GitLab, a and this has been updated to a C++ codebase with enhanced and extended features. We also discuss some of the ongoing and future code developments that may be useful for precision studies. We survey recent analyses performed by the xFitter developers' team including: W and Z production, photon PDFs, Drell-Yan forward-backward asymmetry studies, resummation of small-x contributions, heavy quark production, constraints on the strange PDF, determination of the pion PDF, and determination of the pion Fragmentation Functions. Finally, we briefly summarize selected applications of xFitter in the literature. The xFitter program is a versatile, flexible, modular, and comprehensive tool that can provide impact studies for possible future facilities. We encourage the use of xFitter, and welcome new contributions from the community.

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