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Paper   IPM / M / 16026
School of Mathematics
  Title:   Optimal maintenance policies for coherent sytems with multi-type components
  Author(s):  Majid Asadi (Joint with M. Hashemi and S. Zarezadeh)
  Status:   Publishied
  Journal: Reliability Engineering and System Safety
  Vol.:  195
  Year:  2020
  Pages:   106674
  Supported by:  IPM
We propose two new optimal maintenance strategies for preservation of a complex n-component coherent system built up from L, 2  L  n, types of components. The criteria that will be optimized are some given imposed cost functions formulated based on the costs of the repairs of failed components (system) to get the optimal time of preventive maintenance (PM) of the system. The first strategy involves minimal repair on the failed components in an early life period of the system and then corrective maintenance on the entire system upon its failure or preventive maintenance/corrective maintenance on each component when the age of the system reaches t. In the second strategy, we assume that the system is inspected at times t, 2t, ..., mt, m = 1, 2 . . . . At each inspection time, a maintenance action is performed on the components of the system depending on the system conditions and then the imposed cost function is minimized to get the optimal PM time. To interpret the theoretical results, a system constructed from 12 components of three types is examined for which the optimal PM times are explored for both strategies under given cost functions.

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