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Paper   IPM / Nano-Sciences / 14801
School of Quantum Physics and Matter
  Title:   Tuning quantum non-local effects in graphene plasmonics
1.  Mark Lundeberg
2.  Yuanda Gao
3.  Reza Asgari
4.  Cheng Tan
5.  Ben Van Duppen
6.  Marta Autore
7.  Pablo Alonso Gonzalez
8.  Achim Woessner
9.  Kenji Watanabe
10.  Takashi Taniguchi
11.  Rainer Hillenbrand
12.  James Hone
13.  Marco Polini
14.  Frank Koppens
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Science
  No.:  6347
  Vol.:  357
  Year:  2017
  Pages:   187
  Publisher(s):   Lundeberg et al., Science
  Supported by:  IPM
The response of an electron system to electromagnetic fields with sharp spatial variations is strongly dependent on quantum electronic properties, even in ambient conditions, but difficult to access experimentally. We use propagating graphene plasmons, together with an engineered dielectric-metallic environment, to probe the graphene electron liquid and unveil its detailed electronic response at short wavelengths. The near-field imaging experiments reveal a parameter-free match with the full theoretical quantum description of the massless Dirac electron gas, in which we identify three types of quantum effects as keys to understanding the experimental response of graphene to short-ranged terahertz electric fields. The first type is of single-particle nature and is related to shape deformations of the Fermi surface during a plasmon oscillation. The second and third types are a many-body effect controlled by the inertia and compressibility of the interacting electron liquid in graphene. We demonstrate how, in principle, our experimental approach can determine the full spatiotemporal response of an electron system.

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